Monday, November 30, 2009

Waiting around for baby

So now I start another week of "rest" and waiting for my baby boy. I went to the doctor this morning and he told me that I'm not dilated yet- grr. I know I still have a few weeks to go till I'm technically due, but it would have been reassuring to know that my body is doing what it is supposed to do. For some reason I am starting to think that I am going to have to be induced since my doctor wants me to deliver early- I just really wished this would happen on it's own!! Now I am just trying to lay on my side as much as possible, and sit on my birth ball. My friend Erin who is a chiropractor, as well as my childbirth instructor said this is helpful in making your pelvis open up, making delivery easier. They told me I should be sitting on it and swaying back and forth for about 30 minutes a day. It is a nice reprive from the couch!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving weekend!! I know Jason and I did!!!

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