Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Week 35

Ya, this is almost a week late, sorry! I am now halfway through week 35! Getting closer to D-day every day!!! It is crazy to think that in about 3 weeks Jason and I will have a baby:-) The baby is now about the size of a honeydew melon, and over 18 inches long. He has run out of room to do flips, and I can tell that he is now in a head down position all the time. He faces to my left, and likes to press his back out on my right side, while kicking out on the left. It really looks funny when you look at my belly, because the right side will be so much bigger than the left! According to babycenter.com, his kidneys and liver are fully functional now.

As for me, my back and hips hurt off and on, but that is to be expected. I really expected my back to hurt a ton more than it does, considering how much lower back/SI joint pain I have had in the past. Thankfully I have gotten through this pregnancy relatively pain free!!! It feels weird being out on maternity leave, but it is a good thing that I am, since I have so many doctors appointments now, and since I am supposed to be resting so much. I really need to take advantage of this time, since once the baby gets here the resting will disappear!!

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