Saturday, November 28, 2009

Week 36

1 week till full term! I can't believe that I am almost there. Yesterday I went in for a non-stress test at the hospital, since my doctors office was closed, and my doctor told me that he is going to induce on December 18th if the baby hasn't already come by then- In less than 3 weeks Jason and I are going to be parents! We are so excited, but it is kinda scary sounding too! When I was at the hospital yesterday the nurse told me that I was having a lot more braxton hicks contractions than I thought I was having. I have an actual appointment next week, and will have a pelvic exam to see what's going on, so I am curious to see if I am starting to dilate or efface. Who knows... I would really like to go into labor naturally rather than being induced. Other than that, I have been increasing my protein intake as instructed by my doctor, and trying to rest as much as possible- That part is so hard for me! Hillary, Luke and Ali came over for Thanksgiving, and I couldn't stay sitting down if my life depended on it. They had to keep telling me to get out of the kitchen:-) I love my friends!!

About baby this week:
Baby is about 18.5 inches long, and probaby about 5.5 lbs, about the size of a crenshaw melon. His organs are fully working, with the exception of his lungs which are still possibly in the last stages of development. He is in a head down position, and now loves kicking my left side, and hitting his head against my pelvis.

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