Tuesday, November 24, 2009

More doctors appointments

Today I had another non-stress test and an ultrasound at the hospital. The non-stress test took an hour since the little guy decided to take a nap! They couldn't get him to wake up for anything. They shook my belly, had me drink a bunch of Sunny D, and it still didn't work. Finally right before I left he woke up and they were able to get a reading.

After that I went over to the perinatal diagnostic center for my ultrasound. Unfortunately they determined that our baby isn't growing as fast as he should:-/ He is measuring about 3 weeks smaller than he should, which is a cause for concern. They don't know what is causing his growth to slow, but anatomically he is perfect thankfully! At the last ultrasound I had a month ago he was right where he should be growth wise, and now he is below the 10th percentile. Because of this, I have to continue to do the non-stress tests, and assuming that the non-stress tests continue to go well, they will wait a little bit to induce me. I have to go in for another ultrasound on December 8th, and if he is still small, then they will probably induce me then. Right now it is a matter of weighing what is better: Keep baby boy in the womb a few more weeks so that we can make sure that his lungs and everything are fully mature, or take him out so that he can thrive outside the womb. The doctors are opting to keep him in as long as he continues to move a lot, and as long as no other complications (bad non-stress test results) come up. Either way, it looks like I am probably going to have this baby sometime between December 8th and 18th... and he is probably going to be a little peanut:-)

So, along with this, the doctor has ordered me to up my calorie and protein intake, and rest as much as possible. He specifically told me that I am to eat "chocolate Boost drinks blended with ice cream and milk", yummy!!! Also, I am not supposed to be doing any housework, cooking, cleaning etc, and should be laying on my left side for most of the day. That is torture for me!!! I am such an active person, that being "lazy" while my house is a mess just kills me!!! Thankfully Jason is so supportive, and has told me to make a list of everything that needs to be done, and he will take care of it. On top of it all, I am supposed to be hosting Thanksgiving, what a crappy "host" I am going to be!!! Even so, it is going to be a lot of fun to spend Thanksgiving with some close friends!

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