Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Week 33

Sorry this is 4 days late, but here is the weekly update! Hopefully I will have a chance to post week 34 on Friday like I should be!

About baby this week:

This week baby boy is more than 4 lbs, and more than 17 inches long! About the weight of a pineapple. He's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and his skeleton is hardening. Room inside the womb is much more restricted now, and researchers think that babies can have REM sleep while they are sleeping in the womb. I wonder what the little guy dreams about! Also, if he were to be born today, his lungs would probably be strong enough to function properly.

About me this week:

My sleep has gotten a little better the past two days! We need to get a new mattress, but as a temporary fix we flipped it over, and it is a ton more comfortable. Maybe that is why I am sleeping better. The past week the relaxin in my body has kicked into high gear, and everything is sore. My feet ache, and my lower back, butt and hips hurt, especially when I am sleeping or sitting down. Me being the pregnant idiot that I am tried to send Jason a text message yesterday asking him to massage the muscles in my butt after I got home from work, but instead I sent it to my friend Jenny by mistake! hahahah! She thought it was sooo funny. I'll never live that one down! This baby is literally being a pain in my ass! hehe.

Oh, and one more thing. Jason and I went on Friday to a meet and greet with Weezer, and they signed a onesie for the baby! How fun is that! They also touched my belly and said how cute it looked:-) Jason has been on a winning streak with KROQ, a local rock radio station, and this was one of the many things he recently won- Keep it up honey!! I like free stuff! hehe.

Weekly stats:

How far along: 33.5 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +/- 19 lbs
Maternity clothes: everything
Stretch marks: None! YAY!!! Keeping my fingers crossed!
Sleep: sometimes ok, sometimes bad- depends on the day
Best moment this week: Hanging out with the hubby this weekend. He installed new bathroom sink fixtures and a new sink- It looks so nice!!
Movement: All the time. head hitting my pelvis, toes under my ribs, and the fun little kicks off on the side of my belly:-)
Food cravings: Nothing really- I really am the most boring pregnant woman!
Food aversions: Nope
Gender: Handsome boy:-)
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks contractions on occasion
Belly Button in or out: flattie
What I miss: being able to put on my own socks without difficulty!
What I am looking forward to: Meeting my baby boy. Every time I see a baby it makes me want to meet mine more and more!!!

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