Monday, November 16, 2009

Doctors Appointment

I had another doctors appointment today- As of Monday I am going to be on disability- He wanted to put me out on disability starting tomorrow, but since I am feeling good I wanted to make sure that everything at work was taken care of before I left. I am still measuring small like I had suspected. I have noticed that I am getting much bigger, but not big enough I guess! I have to start doing non stress tests 2x per week to make sure that the baby is doing ok. Basically they will be hooking my belly up to a monitor and monitoring how the baby is doing. Each time should take about 30 mins to an hour from what they said. Also, next Tuesday I have to go in for another ultrasound to see if baby boy is growing ok. To be honest, I'm not worried- He has always looked great on the ultrasound, it is just me that isn't measuring big enough. He kicks all day long, and is constantly giving me signs that he is ok. I guess it is good though that my doctor is taking a lot of precautions! It is better to be safe than sorry! It is crazy to think that I am going to get to meet this little guy in about a month!!! Wow!!

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