Monday, November 30, 2009

Waiting around for baby

So now I start another week of "rest" and waiting for my baby boy. I went to the doctor this morning and he told me that I'm not dilated yet- grr. I know I still have a few weeks to go till I'm technically due, but it would have been reassuring to know that my body is doing what it is supposed to do. For some reason I am starting to think that I am going to have to be induced since my doctor wants me to deliver early- I just really wished this would happen on it's own!! Now I am just trying to lay on my side as much as possible, and sit on my birth ball. My friend Erin who is a chiropractor, as well as my childbirth instructor said this is helpful in making your pelvis open up, making delivery easier. They told me I should be sitting on it and swaying back and forth for about 30 minutes a day. It is a nice reprive from the couch!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving weekend!! I know Jason and I did!!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Week 36

1 week till full term! I can't believe that I am almost there. Yesterday I went in for a non-stress test at the hospital, since my doctors office was closed, and my doctor told me that he is going to induce on December 18th if the baby hasn't already come by then- In less than 3 weeks Jason and I are going to be parents! We are so excited, but it is kinda scary sounding too! When I was at the hospital yesterday the nurse told me that I was having a lot more braxton hicks contractions than I thought I was having. I have an actual appointment next week, and will have a pelvic exam to see what's going on, so I am curious to see if I am starting to dilate or efface. Who knows... I would really like to go into labor naturally rather than being induced. Other than that, I have been increasing my protein intake as instructed by my doctor, and trying to rest as much as possible- That part is so hard for me! Hillary, Luke and Ali came over for Thanksgiving, and I couldn't stay sitting down if my life depended on it. They had to keep telling me to get out of the kitchen:-) I love my friends!!

About baby this week:
Baby is about 18.5 inches long, and probaby about 5.5 lbs, about the size of a crenshaw melon. His organs are fully working, with the exception of his lungs which are still possibly in the last stages of development. He is in a head down position, and now loves kicking my left side, and hitting his head against my pelvis.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

More doctors appointments

Today I had another non-stress test and an ultrasound at the hospital. The non-stress test took an hour since the little guy decided to take a nap! They couldn't get him to wake up for anything. They shook my belly, had me drink a bunch of Sunny D, and it still didn't work. Finally right before I left he woke up and they were able to get a reading.

After that I went over to the perinatal diagnostic center for my ultrasound. Unfortunately they determined that our baby isn't growing as fast as he should:-/ He is measuring about 3 weeks smaller than he should, which is a cause for concern. They don't know what is causing his growth to slow, but anatomically he is perfect thankfully! At the last ultrasound I had a month ago he was right where he should be growth wise, and now he is below the 10th percentile. Because of this, I have to continue to do the non-stress tests, and assuming that the non-stress tests continue to go well, they will wait a little bit to induce me. I have to go in for another ultrasound on December 8th, and if he is still small, then they will probably induce me then. Right now it is a matter of weighing what is better: Keep baby boy in the womb a few more weeks so that we can make sure that his lungs and everything are fully mature, or take him out so that he can thrive outside the womb. The doctors are opting to keep him in as long as he continues to move a lot, and as long as no other complications (bad non-stress test results) come up. Either way, it looks like I am probably going to have this baby sometime between December 8th and 18th... and he is probably going to be a little peanut:-)

So, along with this, the doctor has ordered me to up my calorie and protein intake, and rest as much as possible. He specifically told me that I am to eat "chocolate Boost drinks blended with ice cream and milk", yummy!!! Also, I am not supposed to be doing any housework, cooking, cleaning etc, and should be laying on my left side for most of the day. That is torture for me!!! I am such an active person, that being "lazy" while my house is a mess just kills me!!! Thankfully Jason is so supportive, and has told me to make a list of everything that needs to be done, and he will take care of it. On top of it all, I am supposed to be hosting Thanksgiving, what a crappy "host" I am going to be!!! Even so, it is going to be a lot of fun to spend Thanksgiving with some close friends!

Week 35

Ya, this is almost a week late, sorry! I am now halfway through week 35! Getting closer to D-day every day!!! It is crazy to think that in about 3 weeks Jason and I will have a baby:-) The baby is now about the size of a honeydew melon, and over 18 inches long. He has run out of room to do flips, and I can tell that he is now in a head down position all the time. He faces to my left, and likes to press his back out on my right side, while kicking out on the left. It really looks funny when you look at my belly, because the right side will be so much bigger than the left! According to, his kidneys and liver are fully functional now.

As for me, my back and hips hurt off and on, but that is to be expected. I really expected my back to hurt a ton more than it does, considering how much lower back/SI joint pain I have had in the past. Thankfully I have gotten through this pregnancy relatively pain free!!! It feels weird being out on maternity leave, but it is a good thing that I am, since I have so many doctors appointments now, and since I am supposed to be resting so much. I really need to take advantage of this time, since once the baby gets here the resting will disappear!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Last day of work!

Today is my last day of work before maternity leave! Whohoo! Almost 4 months off seems like so long, but I know it is going to go by so fast. I am so excited to be able to really rest for the first time since I got pregnant!

I felt the baby hiccup for the first time this week! It happened two different nights as I was laying down to go to bed. Such a weird feeling!

Also, we had another non-stress test this morning, and it went well- The baby's heartbeat is looking strong, which is always good to hear:-)

I hope everyone has a good weekend!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Non-Stress Test

Baby boy passed his first non-stress test! Whohoo! I now have to go back in on Friday, and every Tuesday and Friday until I deliver. It was actually kinda fun, because I got to sit there for about 20 minutes and listen to the baby's heartbeat:-)

Also, yesterday Jason and I got our carseat inspected at the local police station. That was really helpful! I would highly recommend anyone to get their carseat inspected before using it, since over 90% of people install them incorrectly. Typically if you make an appointment at the police station it is free, which makes it even better! When we went the woman was able to point out some things to do differently, and it makes me a lot more comfortable knowing that our carseat is installed as it should be! She also mentioned a bunch of stuff that seems over the top to me. She said not to use a seat protector, not to use a baby headrest, and not to use shoulder strap covers. Really?!?!? She said that if we do use a seat cover, use the Eddie Bauer one since it is thin. I had bought a headrest for the baby, but she said that the kind I bought can actually push the baby's head down, since it wraps up around the head. She recommended using rolled up receiving blankets instead. Rather than doing that, and risk having them shift around while I am driving, I am going to go take a look at the ones that cradle the baby's head on the sides, and look like ears. That won't push down! I am still on the fence as to use the strap covers or not. I don't want the straps cutting into my baby's neck!! Ugh.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Doctors Appointment

I had another doctors appointment today- As of Monday I am going to be on disability- He wanted to put me out on disability starting tomorrow, but since I am feeling good I wanted to make sure that everything at work was taken care of before I left. I am still measuring small like I had suspected. I have noticed that I am getting much bigger, but not big enough I guess! I have to start doing non stress tests 2x per week to make sure that the baby is doing ok. Basically they will be hooking my belly up to a monitor and monitoring how the baby is doing. Each time should take about 30 mins to an hour from what they said. Also, next Tuesday I have to go in for another ultrasound to see if baby boy is growing ok. To be honest, I'm not worried- He has always looked great on the ultrasound, it is just me that isn't measuring big enough. He kicks all day long, and is constantly giving me signs that he is ok. I guess it is good though that my doctor is taking a lot of precautions! It is better to be safe than sorry! It is crazy to think that I am going to get to meet this little guy in about a month!!! Wow!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Week 34

3 weeks till full term! I can't believe I am almost there!!!! I was looking at some pictures from Jason and I's trip to Fiji in March, and can't believe how big I have gotten! When I saw the pictures, I kind of missed having a waist... Or a small one at least:-) Though, this little boy is totally worth not having a waist for a while!!

About baby boy this week:

Baby Nations is now about 18 inches long, and weighs about 4.75 lbs, the weight of a cantaloupe! His fat layers — which will help regulate his body temperature once he's born — are filling him out, making him rounder. His skin is also smoother than ever. His central nervous system is maturing and his lungs are continuing to mature as well. I was reading that a baby with no other health issues other than being born early would be just fine being born between weeks 34 - 37, other than possibly having a very short stay in the hospital. That is good to hear!

About me this week:

I am hurting! I have always carried this little guy pretty low, but now he is constantly putting a ton of pressure on my pelvis, causing a lot of pain. My back and hips are also hurting from sitting in front of a computer all day, and I REALLY can't wait to go out on maternity leave and relax!!! 3 weeks from today is my last day, assuming my doctor doesn't induce me early!! I can't wait:-) Standing for long periods of time is also really hard on me now. I am going to go see Roller Derby this weekend, and unfortunately it is standing only- I wonder how that is going to work out:-/

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A couple pictures

I have been lagging on the baby bump pictures, so here are weeks 32 and 33:

Week 32

Week 33

Here is a funny picture of Jason changing out the sinks and fixtures this weekend:-)

Kona being cuddly:-) He likes to use my tummy as a pillow now:-)

Week 33

Sorry this is 4 days late, but here is the weekly update! Hopefully I will have a chance to post week 34 on Friday like I should be!

About baby this week:

This week baby boy is more than 4 lbs, and more than 17 inches long! About the weight of a pineapple. He's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and his skeleton is hardening. Room inside the womb is much more restricted now, and researchers think that babies can have REM sleep while they are sleeping in the womb. I wonder what the little guy dreams about! Also, if he were to be born today, his lungs would probably be strong enough to function properly.

About me this week:

My sleep has gotten a little better the past two days! We need to get a new mattress, but as a temporary fix we flipped it over, and it is a ton more comfortable. Maybe that is why I am sleeping better. The past week the relaxin in my body has kicked into high gear, and everything is sore. My feet ache, and my lower back, butt and hips hurt, especially when I am sleeping or sitting down. Me being the pregnant idiot that I am tried to send Jason a text message yesterday asking him to massage the muscles in my butt after I got home from work, but instead I sent it to my friend Jenny by mistake! hahahah! She thought it was sooo funny. I'll never live that one down! This baby is literally being a pain in my ass! hehe.

Oh, and one more thing. Jason and I went on Friday to a meet and greet with Weezer, and they signed a onesie for the baby! How fun is that! They also touched my belly and said how cute it looked:-) Jason has been on a winning streak with KROQ, a local rock radio station, and this was one of the many things he recently won- Keep it up honey!! I like free stuff! hehe.

Weekly stats:

How far along: 33.5 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +/- 19 lbs
Maternity clothes: everything
Stretch marks: None! YAY!!! Keeping my fingers crossed!
Sleep: sometimes ok, sometimes bad- depends on the day
Best moment this week: Hanging out with the hubby this weekend. He installed new bathroom sink fixtures and a new sink- It looks so nice!!
Movement: All the time. head hitting my pelvis, toes under my ribs, and the fun little kicks off on the side of my belly:-)
Food cravings: Nothing really- I really am the most boring pregnant woman!
Food aversions: Nope
Gender: Handsome boy:-)
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks contractions on occasion
Belly Button in or out: flattie
What I miss: being able to put on my own socks without difficulty!
What I am looking forward to: Meeting my baby boy. Every time I see a baby it makes me want to meet mine more and more!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Week 32

Last Friday was the beginning of week 32. I am definitely feeling more and more pregnant every day!! It is getting hard to stand up from sitting on the couch, sleeping has become more difficult, and our little goober is running out of room! Still, my back is feeling great, I don't have any stretch marks, and overall for the most part I am still feeling good! I am definitely counting down the days till my maternity leave though. It is getting harder and harder to get up every morning, and all I can think about is the baby! I am already nesting, moving things around in the nursery, getting things ready, and nothing is ever finished! haha. I guess that is to be expected though. We ordered some wall decorations, and they should be in this week! yay! I also need to go pick up the crib mobile that I ordered, which is waiting for me at JC Pennys:-)

About baby boy this week:

Little boy weighs about 3.75 lbs this week, about the weight of a large jicama and is about 16.7 inches long! He'll gain a third to half of his birth weight during the next 7 weeks as he fattens up for survival outside the womb. He now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). His skin is becoming soft and smooth as he plumps up in preparation for birth.

I will post the weekly baby bump picture either tonight or tomorrow:-)