Tuesday, August 11, 2009

We're having a boy!!!!!

Yes, you heard correct, it's a boy!! After our 13 week ultrasound we just assumed it was a girl since the doctor said we had a 75% chance of our baby being a girl!! Jason and I are both super excited:-) It was a huge surprise, but a great one! I don't know what I'm going to do with a little boy, i'm so used to being around little girls lol! It will be a wonderful, fun new adventure!

Our little man is measuring about 12 ounces, which seems to us a little bigger than what the books say he should be at for week 20, but the doctor said that is a perfect weight. The heartbeat was 142, and we got to see the blood going in and out of the heart, his little toes and fingers, and everything in between! I love him so much already:-)

The advancements in ultrasound technology can really be a blessing and a curse... Because my doctor likes to work with another doctor named Dr. Pan at Mission Hospital for these exams I got a level II ultrasound right off the bat. What that means is that it was a super high tech machine, and Dr. Pan has many extra years experience during genetic screenings, and in depth ultrasounds to look for fetal abnormalities. So, along with all of the great things we learned and got to see, we learned that our little boy has a choroid plexus cyst in his brain. My heart sank when I heard the news, but the doctor was quick to reassure us that it is probably nothing, but that she wants to see us again in three weeks to check to make sure that it isn't getting bigger.

A choroid plexus cyst is a fluid filled cyst in the choroid plexus in the brain, which is the soft tissue that produces fluid to coat the brain. Depending on which sources you read, it can occur in as many as 1 in 100 or 1 in 40 normal pregnancies, and usually goes away by the 3rd trimester. Even if it doesn't go away, it won't cause problems during life. This type of cyst doesn't cause learning disabilities, or any other problems, but it needs to be monitored because it can potentially be a marker for Trisomy 18, a chromosomal abnormality where the fetus dies before birth, or shortly thereafter. We had genetic screenings done in the 1st and 2nd trimester which came out stellar, so Dr. Pan doesn't see a need to worry, but I still do. The doctor said that most of the time these cysts aren't even picked up on the ultrasounds that doctors do, but when they are, patients are referred to her for a more in depth ultrasound to make sure that the rest of the baby looks ok. The rest of little boy looks great, so I shouldn't be worried, but I can't help it!! All I want is a healthy baby, but god never promised us that, so I can't expect it I guess.

Anways, so we go back to see Dr. Pan On September 2nd, so keep our little boy in your prayers!

On a happier note, I will have ultrasound pics to post later today hopefully:-)

1 comment:

  1. You guys are definintely in our Prayers!! Wow a boy!!! I am so sorry you guys have to worry. I am sure everything will be fine!!!
