Monday, August 10, 2009

Halfway Point!!!

Today we are 20 weeks along, halfway through the pregnancy!!! Wow, time is flying by! This afternoon we go in for our big ultrasound, and will find out if we are having a boy or girl! I can't wait...

About baby this week: Baby is about 10.5 ounces now, and 6.5 inches from head to rump, and about 10 inches from head to heel. This is the first week where the baby is measured this way, since before it was to hard to measure the legs. Its crazy to think that I'm really not that big yet, but I have a little one the length of a banana growing inside me:-)

About Me this week:

I'm still feeling good overall! There have been a couple of nights over the past few weeks where I have woken up with horrible cramps and a backache, one of those nights being Saturday night. Then, of course the baby hardly moved at all yesterday. That just about sent me into a panic! I'm so used to feeling him or her kick multiple times during the day, that when it didn't happen I had my doctor paged and she told me to rest, because before I hit the 20 week mark there is nothing they can do for me... ugh. Why do I worry so much!!! I hate that. But, I'm 20 weeks now, so that makes me feel a little better. Thankfully this morning I got a couple good strong kicks as reassurance that everything is OK! (Maybe that cup of non-decaf tea helped? lol)

Also, we got our nursery furniture delivered this week, and Jason and I put it together this weekend! Two of the pieces were damaged and had to be returned, so its a good thing we took a look at them when we did. The dresser got put together though, and it looks beautiful next to the crib!

Weekly stats:
How far along: 20 weeks today:-)

Total weight gain/loss: + about 3 or 4 lbs probably.

Maternity clothes: everything but some stretchy tank tops

Stretch marks: Nope!!

Sleep: Good, other than the occasional cramps

Best moment this week: getting the nursery furniture!

Movement: Lots of kicks, but not enough yesterday...

Food cravings: Nacho Bel Grandes from Taco Bell and Double Doubles from In-in-Out. Haha.

Food aversions: veggies. I haven't been in the mood for them at all lately... At least I'm not gagging at the thought of them.

Gender: We will find out today!

Belly Button in or out: Innie. I was talking to Holly the other day about this and I don't think mine is going to stick out that far since it wasn't that far in to begin with... She said that she has a deep innie normally, and her's pops out early- I guess that makes sense...

What I miss: Nothing really right now. Just happy to feel the baby again:-)

What I am looking forward to: Our big ultrasound!

Milestones: Hitting the halfway point in pregnancy!

1 comment:

  1. I better see a post TODAY.. if its a boy or a girl!!!!!

