Friday, August 28, 2009

Best Husband Ever

I just have to say that I think I have the best husband ever. Jason has been sooooo great during this entire pregnancy! He has been so patient with me when I was acting crazy during my first trimester, and is always there for anything I need, and 99% of the time I don't even need to ask! If I need to get up and get something in the middle of the night he makes me lay back down and goes and does it himself. He has picked up extra chores around the house without me having to ask, and always goes out of his way to make sure I am comfortable. He even had a pregnancy pampering kit delivered to my work last week! He kills all the scary spiders without making fun of me for it, irons my clothes without me ever asking, has no problem taking me to get food I am craving and is always there to give me a back massage! And, to top it all of, he is sooooooo excited to be a daddy. How did I ever end up with such an awesome guy:-) I love him so much!!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Week 22

About baby boy this week:

At 11 inches, the length of a spagetti squash, and almost 1 pound, our baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn! His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums. His eyes have formed, but his irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment. Inside his belly his pancreas is developing steadily, and he has wrinkles on his skin that a padding of fat will eventually fill in:-)

About me this week:

I'm still feeling great! The little guy is kicking and rolling around like mad, and I swear he does jumping jacks of the sides of my belly! I can only imagine how much stronger it's going to be in a few months! 4 more to go! Still no stretch marks, and I've gained 7 lbs now according to the doctor last week! Yay for me.

Jason's mom is coming to visit this weekend, and I'm so excited that she will get to feel the baby move:-) This will be the last time it will be OK to kick grandma! hehe.

Weekly baby bump picture:

On Sunday night my family came over for dinner, and Addison was asking Victoria if she had a baby in her belly, and then they thought it would be funny to give Addie a baby belly! How cute is she! I love my niecey pie so much:-)

Then, after they left, Kona was acting really weird and sat perched on the recliner chair footrest for about 10 minutes. So strange, that I had to get a picture!

Anyways, I hope everyone is having a great week!

Friday, August 21, 2009

We had another OB appointment yesterday and everything is looking great! We got to hear baby's heartbeat, and our doctor said right away "Yup! That's a little boy's heartbeat!" Apparently little boys often have slower, galloping heartbeats whereas little girls have faster heartbeats. It doesn't always happen, but still weird!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Weekly belly picture

Sorry this took a couple days!!

Also, look what I built for the nursery!! A toy box and changing table:-) Yay me. Now to move the furniture around and decorate!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Boppy Wedge Pillow

I have been making an attempt to sleep on my left side, and I am noticing that my belly is getting really sore! I tried using a normal pillow, and it just didn't work that well for me. So, I went to Babies R Us and got this awesome pregnancy wedge pillow that I use every night now! For the other pregnant ladies out there, I highly recommend it! It's kinda weird to begin with, but you get used to it. It's much better than having a sore tummy!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Week 21

It is really weird to be counting down the weeks now that I have passed the midway point in my pregnancy. Only 19 weeks to go! Ya it is still a lot, but it's nice to be the halfway mark!

About baby boy this week:
This week baby boy is approximately 10.5 inches long, and 12.7 ounces. I have a feeling he is a little heavier than that, since a week ago the doctor measured him at about 12 ounces... Now he is gulping down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day to practice swallowing and digesting, and his tastebuds work! Studies show that what I eat now will be what he has a preference for as a baby. I need to start eating more veggies!

About me this week:
I am starting to feel huge already, even though I have a long way to go. I need to go to the store and get a maternity wedge pillow to put under my belly when I sleep. My son kicks me all day long, and will push his little body parts out on one side of my belly so it looks like I have a hard growth growing out of my belly. It's so weird!

Weekly stats:

How far along: 21 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: + about 4 lbs probably. Will find out for sure on Thursday
Maternity clothes: Everything
Stretch marks: None... 19 weeks to go- Come on good genes and Palmers lotion, work your magic!
Sleep: Mostly good
Best moment this week: Not having anything we really had to do this weekend, and registering at Babies R Us and Target. So fun!
Movement: Tons
Food cravings: none really
Food aversions: none
Gender: Handsome boy!
Labor Signs: None thankfully
Belly Button in or out: Innie, but flattening out
What I miss: cesar salads at restaurants
What I am looking forward to: My OB appointment Thursday!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Baby boy stuff...

So now that I know were having a little boy, I can't get myself to stop looking at little boy stuff! I'm so used to being around baby girls, and buying girl things, that having the chance to buy boy clothes is so new to me! I love all the little puppy, monster, bug and car outfits! They are so cute... It's taking all my willpower to not whip out my credit card at every store, or every website I visit! This is bordering on an obsession lol.

Outfits that Jason, my mom and I have gotten so far... This is so much fun!!

Kona looking at me like im crazy... Ya, hes probably right...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Name Suggestions and Responses to Baby Boy News

So in the past two days Jason and I have received a lot of phone calls, texts, etc. from people wanting to say congrats on finding out were having a boy... Here are some of our favorites:-)

From Vikki (in a shrill, super excited voice): Really, a boy!! Yay!!! I wasn't going to tell you if you ended up having a girl, but I was really hoping for a little boy to play with!

From Addison: Addie, what should the baby be named? "Macaroni Cheese!"

From Hillary: Luke and I came up with a perfect name. Sir Duke Edgar Bartholomew Nations! haha.

From Ashley (she had picked out a tutu, and really wanted me to have a girl): "...(long pause)...Can I still dress him in a tutu???"

I'm sure there will be more to come!

Ultrasound pictures!

Our adorable baby boy!!!!

little feet:-)

Its definitely a boy!! (look where the arrow is pointing)

picture of our little man's face (or a terminator, see what you want to see!)
Hope you like the pictures! I sure do!

We're having a boy!!!!!

Yes, you heard correct, it's a boy!! After our 13 week ultrasound we just assumed it was a girl since the doctor said we had a 75% chance of our baby being a girl!! Jason and I are both super excited:-) It was a huge surprise, but a great one! I don't know what I'm going to do with a little boy, i'm so used to being around little girls lol! It will be a wonderful, fun new adventure!

Our little man is measuring about 12 ounces, which seems to us a little bigger than what the books say he should be at for week 20, but the doctor said that is a perfect weight. The heartbeat was 142, and we got to see the blood going in and out of the heart, his little toes and fingers, and everything in between! I love him so much already:-)

The advancements in ultrasound technology can really be a blessing and a curse... Because my doctor likes to work with another doctor named Dr. Pan at Mission Hospital for these exams I got a level II ultrasound right off the bat. What that means is that it was a super high tech machine, and Dr. Pan has many extra years experience during genetic screenings, and in depth ultrasounds to look for fetal abnormalities. So, along with all of the great things we learned and got to see, we learned that our little boy has a choroid plexus cyst in his brain. My heart sank when I heard the news, but the doctor was quick to reassure us that it is probably nothing, but that she wants to see us again in three weeks to check to make sure that it isn't getting bigger.

A choroid plexus cyst is a fluid filled cyst in the choroid plexus in the brain, which is the soft tissue that produces fluid to coat the brain. Depending on which sources you read, it can occur in as many as 1 in 100 or 1 in 40 normal pregnancies, and usually goes away by the 3rd trimester. Even if it doesn't go away, it won't cause problems during life. This type of cyst doesn't cause learning disabilities, or any other problems, but it needs to be monitored because it can potentially be a marker for Trisomy 18, a chromosomal abnormality where the fetus dies before birth, or shortly thereafter. We had genetic screenings done in the 1st and 2nd trimester which came out stellar, so Dr. Pan doesn't see a need to worry, but I still do. The doctor said that most of the time these cysts aren't even picked up on the ultrasounds that doctors do, but when they are, patients are referred to her for a more in depth ultrasound to make sure that the rest of the baby looks ok. The rest of little boy looks great, so I shouldn't be worried, but I can't help it!! All I want is a healthy baby, but god never promised us that, so I can't expect it I guess.

Anways, so we go back to see Dr. Pan On September 2nd, so keep our little boy in your prayers!

On a happier note, I will have ultrasound pics to post later today hopefully:-)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Halfway Point!!!

Today we are 20 weeks along, halfway through the pregnancy!!! Wow, time is flying by! This afternoon we go in for our big ultrasound, and will find out if we are having a boy or girl! I can't wait...

About baby this week: Baby is about 10.5 ounces now, and 6.5 inches from head to rump, and about 10 inches from head to heel. This is the first week where the baby is measured this way, since before it was to hard to measure the legs. Its crazy to think that I'm really not that big yet, but I have a little one the length of a banana growing inside me:-)

About Me this week:

I'm still feeling good overall! There have been a couple of nights over the past few weeks where I have woken up with horrible cramps and a backache, one of those nights being Saturday night. Then, of course the baby hardly moved at all yesterday. That just about sent me into a panic! I'm so used to feeling him or her kick multiple times during the day, that when it didn't happen I had my doctor paged and she told me to rest, because before I hit the 20 week mark there is nothing they can do for me... ugh. Why do I worry so much!!! I hate that. But, I'm 20 weeks now, so that makes me feel a little better. Thankfully this morning I got a couple good strong kicks as reassurance that everything is OK! (Maybe that cup of non-decaf tea helped? lol)

Also, we got our nursery furniture delivered this week, and Jason and I put it together this weekend! Two of the pieces were damaged and had to be returned, so its a good thing we took a look at them when we did. The dresser got put together though, and it looks beautiful next to the crib!

Weekly stats:
How far along: 20 weeks today:-)

Total weight gain/loss: + about 3 or 4 lbs probably.

Maternity clothes: everything but some stretchy tank tops

Stretch marks: Nope!!

Sleep: Good, other than the occasional cramps

Best moment this week: getting the nursery furniture!

Movement: Lots of kicks, but not enough yesterday...

Food cravings: Nacho Bel Grandes from Taco Bell and Double Doubles from In-in-Out. Haha.

Food aversions: veggies. I haven't been in the mood for them at all lately... At least I'm not gagging at the thought of them.

Gender: We will find out today!

Belly Button in or out: Innie. I was talking to Holly the other day about this and I don't think mine is going to stick out that far since it wasn't that far in to begin with... She said that she has a deep innie normally, and her's pops out early- I guess that makes sense...

What I miss: Nothing really right now. Just happy to feel the baby again:-)

What I am looking forward to: Our big ultrasound!

Milestones: Hitting the halfway point in pregnancy!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Bad Puppy Parents

In my last post I mentioned how this week has been really crappy... thats putting it nicely. To top it all off somehow Kona got locked in the loft the night before last, and Jason freaked out in the morning because he couldn't find him. Then, last night Jason was bbq'ing and when he was done I closed the patio door and shut the curtains. An hour later we couldn't find Kona again, and sure enough, my poor puppy was sitting on the balcony in the dark.... At least it was warm out. I feel like such a horrible puppy parent!!! ugh.

Week 19 belly shot

A couple days late... Oh well. This has been a super crappy week, and I'm surprised this is getting posted at all!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Week 19

Yesterday was super busy so I'm just now posting the weekly update-

About baby this week:
This week the baby is the size of a mango! About 6 inches long and 8.5 ounces! His or her arms and legs are the right proportion to the rest of the body, and his or her brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch.
About me this week:
I'm still feeling good! The baby is kicking harder and harder every day, and it's been fun having Jason feel it! My hips have started hurting when I sleep, but hopefully that doesn't have to do with the pregnancy and will go away soon.

We got the rest of the nursery furniture yesterday!! A couple of the pieces need to be put together, so I will get a picture once its done. We still have a lot to do on the nursery, but its a good start!! Now if we only knew if we were having a boy or girl...6 days to go!!!

Along with getting the nursery furniture, we got the peg perego stroller we wanted, our graco snugride 32 infant seat, and infant seat stroller frame this week from Jason's parents!! Thank you guys sooooo much!! You don't even know how much that helped us. Now if only we had the baby to put in all this fun stuff!

How far along: 19 weeks. Almost halfway there!
Total weight gain/loss: +3 lbs.
Maternity clothes: yup, everything!
Stretch marks: None yet, keeping my fingers crossed I don't get any!
Sleep: Not great the past few days, hopefully it gets better soon.
Best moment this week: Getting my nursery furniture delivered
Movement: All the time!
Food cravings: none really
Food aversions: none
Gender: We will find out for sure on Monday:-)
Belly Button in or out: Innie
What I miss: Being able to have a drink when I get home from work
What I am looking forward to: Getting the nursery furniture delivered this weekend

I'm really behind... belly shot to come...