Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Week 30

I hit the 30 week mark! Whohoo!!! Actually, I just changed OB's today (after having nothing but problems with my last one), and my new OB, Dr. Melkonian, said that he is using my origional due date of 12/25 as my due date... Once again I am due on Christmas day! Hopefully he isn't actually born on Christmas though! I am so relieved now that I have a new OB. My last one was getting progressively worse and worse, and last week was the tipping point for Jason and I. Dr. Melkonian was recommended to me by my friend Erin, and he was also the doctor that delivered my sister Natalie when she was born 16 years ago! Small world!!! I am going to have to go look through some of Natalie's baby books to see if there are any pictures of him during the delivery. I am sure he looks much different now!

About baby this week:

Baby boy is about 15.7 inches long now, and weighs about 3 lbs! I can't believe how fast he is putting on weight now. His eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen. His skin is also starting to smoothen, since fat is being deposited.

About me this week:

Last week I actually started to feel the pains of pregnancy. He kept kicking straight downwards, giving me sharp stabbing pains. Heartburn has kicked in, and I can feel him pressing on my lungs when I lay down. My back is still feeling good though, and overall I am feeling pretty good, especially knowing that I have a new doctor now! I also now know that this baby will be born in December... My insurance is drastically changing in January, causing me to have to pay thousands more out of pocket if I deliver in January, so I will get induced at the end of December if I haven't already had baby boy. Now all I need to decide is if I want to be induced right before, or after Christmas... It just has to be after December 18th.

Weekly baby bump picture:-)

Also, Jason and I saw our good friends Sean and Dianne from Arizona last weekend! It was so great to see them. Dianne is 19 weeks pregnant, so we had to get some pictures:-) She just found out she is having a girl! We joked that since J and I met at UCI, and Sean and Dianne met at UCI, and we are having babies so close together, that both of our kids need to go to UCI, fall in love and get married so we can be inlaws:-) hehe. It was great seeing you guys!!!

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