Wednesday, October 28, 2009


We had another ultrasound yesterday, and our baby boy looks great!!! Since my uterus is measuring small when they measure from the outside, my doctor wanted me to get an ultrasound done to make sure that our little boy was growing ok. Sure enough, he is right on target! He was measuring 3 lbs 9 ounces, and we were able to see him opening his mouth and sucking in amniotic fluid! That was so crazy to see:-) His face is filling out, and is looking cuter and cuter! He still has room to move a little, but he has been head down lately, and has taken a liking to hooking his little toes up under my ribs. It might be comfy for him, but not for me! The doctor was even able to see that his 2nd toe is a little longer than his first, which both my dad and my sister have. Crazy to think that even in the womb we can see that he has my sisters toes! We saw his spinal cord, brain, all his organs, etc, and everything looks great!! Keep growing baby, and give my ribs a rest!

I will post the pictures, and maybe even the video soon....

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