Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ultrasound pictures

Here are the two ultrasound pictures from yesterday. One is of his face, and one is of his foot:-)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


We had another ultrasound yesterday, and our baby boy looks great!!! Since my uterus is measuring small when they measure from the outside, my doctor wanted me to get an ultrasound done to make sure that our little boy was growing ok. Sure enough, he is right on target! He was measuring 3 lbs 9 ounces, and we were able to see him opening his mouth and sucking in amniotic fluid! That was so crazy to see:-) His face is filling out, and is looking cuter and cuter! He still has room to move a little, but he has been head down lately, and has taken a liking to hooking his little toes up under my ribs. It might be comfy for him, but not for me! The doctor was even able to see that his 2nd toe is a little longer than his first, which both my dad and my sister have. Crazy to think that even in the womb we can see that he has my sisters toes! We saw his spinal cord, brain, all his organs, etc, and everything looks great!! Keep growing baby, and give my ribs a rest!

I will post the pictures, and maybe even the video soon....

Baby Shower

I had the best baby shower ever! Thank you everyone who came and shared this special day with me:-) So many friends and family came, and it was sooo great to see everyone! Everyone had me convinced that Crystal wasn't going to fly in from Florida, but sure enough, she showed up with Hillary! I couldn't believe it, I was so excited to see her!!!!!!! I got so many wonderful things for the baby, and the nursery is basically ready now! All we need now is our baby boy! I will post more pictures as soon as I get them off my dad's camera. This is one picture that I do have...

Monday, October 26, 2009

Week 31 baby bump

A couple days late again, but here is the week 31 picture:-)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Week 31

I'm 31 weeks now, since my due date got pushed up a few days.. Now baby boy is over 16 inches long, and about 3.5 lbs, the weight of 4 navel oranges! Baby's going through major brain and nerve development these days. His irises now react to light, and all five senses are in working order. He can turn his head from side to side, and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath his skin.

About me this week:

It doesn't matter how early I go to sleep, I can't seem to get a restful nights sleep. I toss and turn all night, and I am sure it is only going to get worse! Because of this I seem to be constantly exhausted during the day. I don't know how I am going to get through the next few weeks till I go out on maternity leave on December 4th!! Also, last night I had a craving for orange juice and drank an entire pitcher over the course of the evening. I don't know it is is just a coincidence or not, but baby boy went crazy! I can't believe how much my belly was catapulting back and forth! Jason was at the Angels playoff game, but I wish he had been able to see it!!

Weekly stats:

How far along: 31 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: + about 17 lbs

Maternity clothes: everything!

Stretch marks: None!!!

Sleep: Sleep?? What is sleep??

Best moment this week: Getting a new OB and picking a pediatrician. Wow that's a relief!

Movement: All the time, especially in the evening

Food cravings: Orange Juice. I can't get enough of it.

Food aversions: Veggies

Gender: boy

Labor Signs: None- It better stay that way for a few more weeks!!

Belly Button in or out: flat. I don't think it is going to pop out much, if at all.

What I miss: sleep!!

What I am looking forward to: My baby shower tomorrow!!

My baby shower is tomorrow! Yay! I'm so excited to see everyone who is coming!!! It has been way to long since I have seen some of you:-)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Week 30

I hit the 30 week mark! Whohoo!!! Actually, I just changed OB's today (after having nothing but problems with my last one), and my new OB, Dr. Melkonian, said that he is using my origional due date of 12/25 as my due date... Once again I am due on Christmas day! Hopefully he isn't actually born on Christmas though! I am so relieved now that I have a new OB. My last one was getting progressively worse and worse, and last week was the tipping point for Jason and I. Dr. Melkonian was recommended to me by my friend Erin, and he was also the doctor that delivered my sister Natalie when she was born 16 years ago! Small world!!! I am going to have to go look through some of Natalie's baby books to see if there are any pictures of him during the delivery. I am sure he looks much different now!

About baby this week:

Baby boy is about 15.7 inches long now, and weighs about 3 lbs! I can't believe how fast he is putting on weight now. His eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen. His skin is also starting to smoothen, since fat is being deposited.

About me this week:

Last week I actually started to feel the pains of pregnancy. He kept kicking straight downwards, giving me sharp stabbing pains. Heartburn has kicked in, and I can feel him pressing on my lungs when I lay down. My back is still feeling good though, and overall I am feeling pretty good, especially knowing that I have a new doctor now! I also now know that this baby will be born in December... My insurance is drastically changing in January, causing me to have to pay thousands more out of pocket if I deliver in January, so I will get induced at the end of December if I haven't already had baby boy. Now all I need to decide is if I want to be induced right before, or after Christmas... It just has to be after December 18th.

Weekly baby bump picture:-)

Also, Jason and I saw our good friends Sean and Dianne from Arizona last weekend! It was so great to see them. Dianne is 19 weeks pregnant, so we had to get some pictures:-) She just found out she is having a girl! We joked that since J and I met at UCI, and Sean and Dianne met at UCI, and we are having babies so close together, that both of our kids need to go to UCI, fall in love and get married so we can be inlaws:-) hehe. It was great seeing you guys!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

OB appointment

We had another OB appointment today- It was pretty uneventful, but thats good I guess! My uterus is still measuring 2 cm to small, but it has been since the beginning. The good news is that it is growing at a normal rate, so the doctor just thinks its because im really thin, and there isn't much covering my uterus to measure. I have another appointment in 2 weeks, so if I am still measuring 2cm small, she wants me to go back to the prenatal diagnostic center for another in depth ultrasound to make sure my little boy is measuring good, and that his weight looks ok. I'm not worried though, since last time I had a in depth ultrasound the baby was measuring big, even though I was measuring small- I just look at it as another excuse to see my baby!!

Anways, thats it. Not much to post regarding the visit.... The one weird thing for me was seeing the scale go up to 133 lbs. I've gained 16 lbs total so far!

Week 28 and 29 baby bump pics

So i've been incredibly busy lately and have hardly had the chance to take a picture, no less post it.... Here are the last two weeks pictures though!

Week 28
Week 29

Monday, October 12, 2009

Week 29

77 more days till my due date! That doesn't seem like very much longer! Jason and have started interviewing pediatricians, and we have found one that we really like. We still have 2 more to interview, but it's nice to know that we have one, and that we can only go better at this point! The pediatrician that we like says that he knows my OB, so at my OB appointment on Wednesday I'm going to ask her about him. Hopefully that gives me a better idea about his practice as well- Along with that, I am going from a OB visit 1x a month to every 2 weeks now. The big day is starting to get closer! It's getting harder to sleep, since my joints are loosening up and getting achy. All I want to do is sleep on my back so I don't put pressure on my hips and shoulders, but I can't do that anymore- ugh! I still can't complain though- Overall I feel awesome still:-)

About baby boy this week: This week baby boy is about 2.5 lbs, and about 16 inches long. About the length of a butternut squash. His energy is surging, thanks to white fat depositing beneath his skin. And since he's growing so fast things are getting kind of cramped in the womb. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain. This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in his hardening skeleton each day.

Nursery is painted!

Jason and I finished painting the nursery this weekend! Whohoo! It took longer than expected- We painted it green and yellow, and when we peeled the painters tape off the ceiling it took a bunch of the ceiling paint and plaster with it- ugh! I never expected that to happen because of painters tape.... So, our 1-2 day job turned into a 2 weekend job because we ended up having to patch and repaint the ceiling in those areas. Thankfully the ceiling paint we bought matched perfectly, so we didn't have to repaint the entire ceiling!!! Now, the furniture is moved to where we think we want it, and we still need to decorate more, but the room is starting to actually look like a nursery- Now we just need a baby! I love it!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Week 28

Sorry this has taken a few days to post! It has been a busy couple of days. I found out I passed my glucose screening test! Yay!!! I also am not anemic, which is good to know.

Jason and I started childbirth classes last night- I really like the teacher, and I think it will be really helpful for us! It is the same class that I took with my sister Victoria when she was pregnant, but that was 2.5 years ago, so I don't remember much- It's also different having J there with me, and being the pregnant one, not the support person!

About baby boy this week:

Our little boy is now about 2.4 lbs and about 15.75 inches, about the weight of a chinese cabbage:-) He can blink his eyes, and maybe see light outside the womb. He's also developing billions of neurons in his brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

About me this week: I'm now in my 3rd trimester, and still feeling great!! Let's hope it stays that way:-) My sleep is off and on, some nights are better than others. Every day it seems like I am showing more and more!

Weekly stats:

How far along: 28 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: + about 12-13 lbs

Maternity clothes: Everything

Stretch marks: None! Yay!!

Sleep: Some nights are better than others

Best moment this week: having Jason be able to hear baby's heartbeat through my tummy, not even using the doppler!

Movement: All the time. Hes an active little guy!

Food cravings: Outback coconut shrimp- yum!

Food aversions: Nothing really

Gender: Little boy:-) Hasn't changed! hehe.

Labor Signs: None, and hopefully none for about 9-10 weeks at least!!

Belly Button in or out: in, but almost flat

What I miss: having a beer, I'm not going to lie- a beer sounds really good!

What I am looking forward to: This weekend- It's been a long, tiring week so far

Milestones: Starting childbirth classes!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Glucose Screening Test

I have my 1 hour glucose screening test today.... I am not looking forward to it! Wish me luck!