Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Week 23

We are in week 23 as of yesterday! Baby is about 11 inches long, and weighs over a pound, about the weight of a large mango! The baby is picking up on outside noises, and from what I am reading the noises that he hears inside the womb like music and Kona barking probably won't bother him after he is born- that is good news!

As for me, I am still feeling good! I'm getting hot really easily, and notice that I have been keeping my house extra cool lately. Jason says he doesn't mind! I will also be sitting and see the little guy kicking through my shirt- That is so weird to see! I've been feeling the kicks for almost 2 months, but only been seeing it for 2 weeks or so. The kicks keep getting stronger, and now i'm feeling him roll and swish around even more than before. I love it! Jason's mom was in town visiting last weekend, and she was able to feel it, along with Aunt Jan and Janae- So fun!

We had so much fun while mom was out visiting! She flew into town on Thursday and stayed until Monday morning. On Saturday Jason's great Aunt Rose had her 90th birthday celebration/Samano Family Reunion, and close to 200 of his Samano relatives showed up! I really love Jason's family, and it was so great to see everyone, and meet even more people that I had not met before. It's to bad we don't get to see you guys more often!!! Diana's visits are always to short, but her and Jason's dad are going to be coming out right after the baby is born to help out, so that will be nice! Who knows, we might even get to spend Christmas or New Years with them depending on when our little guy is born:-) I will post some pictures from the weekend festivities when I have a chance.

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