Monday, September 14, 2009

Week 25

Only a couple days left till I have less than 100 days to go! Wow!

About baby this week:
Little boy is about 1.5 lbs, about the weight of a rutabaga, and about 13.5 inches long this week! I don't see how something 13.5 inches long fits into my tummy right now- He must be all curled up. He's starting to put on fat now, and is growing hair oh his head:-)

About me this week:
The books and websites say that my uterus is now the size of a soccer ball- it sure feels like it! It is definitely getting a little harder to move around, and I find myself getting tired easily, and moving slower than normal. That is all to be expected though! I also think that I have been having some Braxton Hicks contractions, or something like that... I've been getting some painful cramping in my abdomen on occasion over the past week or so, so I'm going to call my doctor today to talk to her about it. From what I have heard Braxton Hicks contractions usually don't hurt, but I don't know what else it could be- weird. I have my monthly OB visit on Thursday, so that is good!

I've been really bad about not posting the weekly belly pictures, but I will post one tomorrow!

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