Tuesday, September 8, 2009

24 Weeks Pregnant!

This week I am 24 weeks pregnant! I was reading an interesting article last weekend about how if your baby is born between weeks 23 and 24, it has about a 10-40% chance of survival, but every day the baby continues growing in the womb it increases its survival rate by 3% till you hit week 26! That just seems crazy to me! It goes to show how much the baby is growing every day! Once you hit the 26 week mark, the article said that your baby has about an 80-90% chance of survival. Wow! That just seems so early to have such a high survivability rate. What I do know is that as much as I want to meet my little man, I want him to keep cookin for another 16 weeks or so!!!

About baby this week:

Baby boy is about the length of an ear of corn, almost a foot long! Because he is growing getting plumper, he no longer has room to do cartwheels and doing somersaults in my tummy. Most of the baby's features look the same as they will at birth, his eyelashes are well developed and hair will continue to grow on his head:-) He is practicing breathing up to a liter of amniotic fluid a day, and is covered in vernix, a waxy substance that protects the delicate skin. Lastly, His lungs are developing branches of the respiratory tree as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help his air sacs inflate once he hits the outside world. Wow!

About me this week:
Still getting bigger every day! I'm starting to notice patterns of wakefullness and sleep with the baby. The most pronounced times where he is really active is late morning around 11, and about 10 pm. At around those times he seems to just go crazy! Rolling, kicking, jabbing and stretching those little arms and legs:-) I'm still feeling good, but was extra tired over this long weekend. I was sleeping about 10-12 hours each night, and still so tired during the day! That's to be expected though I guess!

How far along: 24 weeks! 16 to go!

Total weight gain/loss: + about 10 lbs

Maternity clothes: Yup, everything

Stretch marks: None yet, and crossing my fingers I don't get any!

Sleep: Good when I can get it. I'm used to getting up 3+ times a night now to go pee, so i'm able to fall asleep quickly after now!

Best moment this week: Seeing my baby on the ultrasound... I still need to post the pictures!

Movement: All the time

Food cravings: Nothing really

Food aversions: Nope

Gender: handsome boy!

Belly Button in or out: innie, but flattening out

What I miss: Not having to watch what I eat in fear of getting listeriosis

What I am looking forward to: The angel game tonight with Jason, Mallori and Sean!

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