Monday, September 21, 2009

Week 26... 98 days and counting!

We past the 100 day countdown mark! Yay!! 98 days and counting till our little boy's due date!! I can't believe it's only about 3 months till we're going to get to see and hold our little one!

I'm 26 weeks pregnant today, and feeling more and more pregnant every day! Things are getting harder to do, and rolling over in bed has never been such a chore- To think that I still have 3 months to go, getting bigger and bigger every day! I can't complain though, I still feel good, baby boy kicks and rolls around all the time, and overall I'm loving being pregnant!! I'll post a picture tomorrow:-)

About our little man this week:
Our baby is about 1 2/3 lbs this week, and 14 inches long, about the length of an english hothouse cucumber! Getting heavier and heavier every day now it seems! His ears are getting more and more sensitive, and he is starting to be able to hear normal conversations outside the womb! He may even start to open his eyes this week

How far along: 26 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: + 11 lbs

Maternity clothes: Everything

Stretch marks: None yet, yay!

Sleep: Good as long as I don't have to roll over!

Best moment this week: Hearing baby boy's heartbeat on the home doppler for the first time!

Movement: All the time- He is definitely a little kicker! Especially at around 10 pm.

Food cravings: Orange juice, thats about it.

Food aversions: Nothing really... I have noticed that I haven't been eating much veggies. They don't make me want to yak though.

Gender: little boy!

Labor Signs: Some braxton hicks contractions I think, but not for about a week now.

Belly Button in or out: innie, but turning into a flattie! hehe.

What I miss: being able to hold kona on my belly on the couch

What I am looking forward to: Nothing really right now... Ya, sad.

Milestones: Passing the 100 day countdown marker! yay!

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