Monday, June 29, 2009

Week 14

We are officially in the 2nd trimester! My energy seems to be picking up some, which is really nice! I have heard that can start to happen around now. Also, im renaming the weeks, since it seems to be confusing some people. I have completed 14 weeks of pregnancy, and today is the first day of the 15th week. Another way to look at it is that I am 14 weeks 0 days pregnant. I will start posting the completed weeks instead of the week that I am in, since it matches up with the label on the picture below. Why do they have to make all this stuff so confusing!!! It took Jason and I a while to figure it out too.

This week our baby is about 3.5 inches long, about the size of a lemon, and 1/5 ounce! Baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, breathe amniotic fluid, and possibly suck his or her thumb! He or she is starting to develop an ultra-fine, downy covering of hair, called lanugo, all over his or her body for warmth.

Weekly belly picture:-)

How far along: 14 weeks 0 days

Total weight gain/loss: 1 lb... but then again I don't have a scale.

Maternity clothes: I had to buy a couple bella bands. My jeans aren't fitting in the waist!

Stretch marks: Stretch marks? Phiffff, what are those?!? I hope that one doesn't come back to bite me in the ass:-)

Sleep: Much better than last week. Its been hot though lately, so still not great!

Best moment this week: Seeing baby on the ultrasound, and having a stranger at the beach tell me that I still look great in my black monokini! hehe.

Movement: None yet- ugh. I know its still to early but I want to feel some little baby kicks!!

Food cravings: Cheeseburgers and Coke. I have been giving in lately- oh well! Theres nothing better than an ice cold Coke sometimes:-)

Food aversions: Eggs. Jason made an omlete the other day that normally would have loved and I about threw up in my mouth!

Gender: Still guessing pink, but would love either pink or blue!

What I miss: Having clear skin. I have been breaking out like a 12 year old lately. Gotta love all the pregnancy hormones:-/

What I am looking forward to: Having Friday off for 4th of July weekend and going on a little mini vacation with Jason! Yay!!!


  1. Your blog is so cute! You look awesome!

  2. enjoy your "me" time as much as possible. You deserve it. aloha
