Thursday, June 25, 2009

OB Appointment

We had another appointment with Dr. Faraz, our OB today. We got another ultrasound! yay! I was under the impression that we would just get to hear the heartbeat today, but from what its looking like we are going to get an ultrasound done at every appointment, even though i'm not high risk. From what I am hearing that isn't very common, but I think its awesome!

Our baby is looking great! He or she was really active, moving all around. Its weird to think that he or she moves around so much yet I can't feel any movement yet. Hopefully I will soon:-)

One other thing the doctor mentioned was that I have only gained 1 pound so far. I have always been one of the lucky ones that doesn't put on weight easily, but I was a little surprised that I have only gained a pound, considering how my clothes aren't fitting right! Dr. Faraz wants me to gain 30 lbs during this pregnancy, and has given me permission to eat cheeseburgers, and desert every day if I want! Hahaha i've never had a doctor tell me that before!


  1. Love to read your Blog..keep writing...sounds like all is well...we are soooooo happy...from Hawaii

  2. Well you still looked as tiny as ever when I saw you a few weeks ago :) have fun eating everything!!

  3. With my luck, I'll be the one gaining the 30 lbs for you...
