Friday, June 19, 2009

Ultrasound Appointment

We went to Mission Hospital for the 1st trimester screening yesterday and everything went really well!!!! We got the Nuchal Translucency Screening done, and the baby shows just the right amount of fluid in the back of its neck. I still have to get the results of my bloodwork back, but the doctor was really happy with the results of the ultrasound, and told us we don't have anything to worry about when it comes to Down's Syndrome.

The best part about the appointment was getting to see our baby again! It has been a month since our last ultrasound, and the baby has changed soooo much! He or she has over doubled in size, and you can see the arms and legs bending at the elbows and knee, we were able to see feet, and definition in the face- It really was the most amazing experience. We got to hear the heartbeat for the first time as well... 140 BPM! Our baby has a strong heartbeat!

We know that it is early, but the doctor was able to get a view of the babies butt and legs, and she told us that we have about a 75% chance of having a girl! How cool is that:-) We really would be happy with a boy or a girl, it is just fun to know. We're definitely not going to start buying girl stuff just yet, because with our luck we would find out in August when we have our next ultrasound that we are having a boy instead. Who knows, maybe the boy parts were just hidden. Either way, were just happiest that our baby is growing like it should, and looks healthy!

Here are some ultrasound pics we wanted to share:

This picture shows a profile of the head, and the babies back:

This picture shows the babies face from front on. Looks a little like an alien to me! Cute little alien baby:-)

This one turned out the best!

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