Monday, June 22, 2009

Week 14

We are starting week 14 today! This is the last day of the 1st trimester. Maybe this means that my energy will be returning soon! Whohoo!! A couple people have asked me to start posting a weekly belly picture, so I will start this week. My belly has definitely gotten bigger than the last picture that I posted, but I haven't had to start wearing maternity pants yet! It wont be soon though...

This week the baby is about 3 inches long, and weighs almost an ounce! About the size of a peach. He or she is growing so fast! The baby has fingerprints now, and it's body is now growing faster than it's head, making baby's head and body more proportionate. If our little peanut is a girl, her ovaries have produced over 2 million eggs. That's so strange to think!

Here is the weekly belly shot:

How far along: Just starting 14th week

Total weight gain/loss: +1 pound. It feels like a lot more!

Maternity clothes: Not quite yet

Stretch marks: Nope! Still lathering on the palmers lotion!

Sleep: Could be better. Getting up at least 1x per night, and its hard to get comfortable.

Best moment this week: Seeing our baby on the ultrasound! Baby doesn't look like a gummy bear / chicken nugget anymore! hehe.

Movement: Hopefully in a few weeks! I can't wait.

Food cravings: Krispy Kreme doughnuts and cesar salad. Yum!!!

Food aversions: None. I love food:-) I'm surprised I haven't gained more than a pound!

Gender: 75% chance were having a girl:-) We should know for sure August 10th!

What I miss: Cesar salad dressing from a restaurant. They all seem to have raw eggs!

What I am looking forward to: Taking mom to hear the heartbeat on Thursday!

Milestones: Baby doesn't look like it has any chromosomal abnormalities! That's a huge relief to know our baby is healthy:-)

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