Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Thought this was fun:-)

I know this is all bunk, but thought it was fun anyways!

According to Madam Zaritska at the website below, this is the prediction for our birth experience:

The day you deliver, outside will be windy. Your baby will arrive at night. After a labor lasting approximately 6 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 6 pounds, 10 ounces, and will be 22 inches long. This child will have light brown eyes and some fine hair.


Monday, June 29, 2009

Week 14

We are officially in the 2nd trimester! My energy seems to be picking up some, which is really nice! I have heard that can start to happen around now. Also, im renaming the weeks, since it seems to be confusing some people. I have completed 14 weeks of pregnancy, and today is the first day of the 15th week. Another way to look at it is that I am 14 weeks 0 days pregnant. I will start posting the completed weeks instead of the week that I am in, since it matches up with the label on the picture below. Why do they have to make all this stuff so confusing!!! It took Jason and I a while to figure it out too.

This week our baby is about 3.5 inches long, about the size of a lemon, and 1/5 ounce! Baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, breathe amniotic fluid, and possibly suck his or her thumb! He or she is starting to develop an ultra-fine, downy covering of hair, called lanugo, all over his or her body for warmth.

Weekly belly picture:-)

How far along: 14 weeks 0 days

Total weight gain/loss: 1 lb... but then again I don't have a scale.

Maternity clothes: I had to buy a couple bella bands. My jeans aren't fitting in the waist!

Stretch marks: Stretch marks? Phiffff, what are those?!? I hope that one doesn't come back to bite me in the ass:-)

Sleep: Much better than last week. Its been hot though lately, so still not great!

Best moment this week: Seeing baby on the ultrasound, and having a stranger at the beach tell me that I still look great in my black monokini! hehe.

Movement: None yet- ugh. I know its still to early but I want to feel some little baby kicks!!

Food cravings: Cheeseburgers and Coke. I have been giving in lately- oh well! Theres nothing better than an ice cold Coke sometimes:-)

Food aversions: Eggs. Jason made an omlete the other day that normally would have loved and I about threw up in my mouth!

Gender: Still guessing pink, but would love either pink or blue!

What I miss: Having clear skin. I have been breaking out like a 12 year old lately. Gotta love all the pregnancy hormones:-/

What I am looking forward to: Having Friday off for 4th of July weekend and going on a little mini vacation with Jason! Yay!!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Addison!

Addison turned 2 last Thursday! I can't believe how big she is getting. We had a lot of fun celebrating her birthday with her. She got all sorts of great birthday presents- She kept running back and forth between them all not knowing which she wanted to play with more:-) When it was time to sing happy birthday, she kept saying "again! again!" it was soooo cute! Happy Birthday Addie Pie! We love you!!!

Bella Band II

This is a Bella Band for anyone who was wondering:-) Its a stretchy band you put around your waist to hold up your unbuttoned jeans, or to support your belly... They are awesome!!! it looks like you are wearing a cami under whatever top you are wearing.

Yes, that is holly's sister amber on the far left. Funny huh!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

OB Appointment

We had another appointment with Dr. Faraz, our OB today. We got another ultrasound! yay! I was under the impression that we would just get to hear the heartbeat today, but from what its looking like we are going to get an ultrasound done at every appointment, even though i'm not high risk. From what I am hearing that isn't very common, but I think its awesome!

Our baby is looking great! He or she was really active, moving all around. Its weird to think that he or she moves around so much yet I can't feel any movement yet. Hopefully I will soon:-)

One other thing the doctor mentioned was that I have only gained 1 pound so far. I have always been one of the lucky ones that doesn't put on weight easily, but I was a little surprised that I have only gained a pound, considering how my clothes aren't fitting right! Dr. Faraz wants me to gain 30 lbs during this pregnancy, and has given me permission to eat cheeseburgers, and desert every day if I want! Hahaha i've never had a doctor tell me that before!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Right now i'm in that awkward stage where I don't really fit into my pre-pregnancy pants, but maternity clothes are still way to big on me. I got to work today and couldn't breathe all morning because my pants were so freakin tight! So, I sat at my desk with my pants unbuttoned hoping I didn't have to get up to quickly... At lunch I went and bought a white and black BellaBand. What a lifesaver!! Ahhhhh I can finally breathe!!! My pants fit fine except the whole buttoning part, so this should really help for a while before I fit into maternity clothes:-)

We have another OB appointment tomorrow. Yay!! I love getting to listen to our baby's heartbeat. My mom is coming to this appointment with me so that should be fun!

Also, my friends Sean and Dianne are trying to get pregnant, and are currently going through IVF. Dianne had her egg transfer today and from what I heard everything went really well, and they even got a couple eggs to freeze!! Keep them in your thoughts and prayers this next week- Hopefully they will get a positive pregnancy test next Friday!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Week 14

We are starting week 14 today! This is the last day of the 1st trimester. Maybe this means that my energy will be returning soon! Whohoo!! A couple people have asked me to start posting a weekly belly picture, so I will start this week. My belly has definitely gotten bigger than the last picture that I posted, but I haven't had to start wearing maternity pants yet! It wont be soon though...

This week the baby is about 3 inches long, and weighs almost an ounce! About the size of a peach. He or she is growing so fast! The baby has fingerprints now, and it's body is now growing faster than it's head, making baby's head and body more proportionate. If our little peanut is a girl, her ovaries have produced over 2 million eggs. That's so strange to think!

Here is the weekly belly shot:

How far along: Just starting 14th week

Total weight gain/loss: +1 pound. It feels like a lot more!

Maternity clothes: Not quite yet

Stretch marks: Nope! Still lathering on the palmers lotion!

Sleep: Could be better. Getting up at least 1x per night, and its hard to get comfortable.

Best moment this week: Seeing our baby on the ultrasound! Baby doesn't look like a gummy bear / chicken nugget anymore! hehe.

Movement: Hopefully in a few weeks! I can't wait.

Food cravings: Krispy Kreme doughnuts and cesar salad. Yum!!!

Food aversions: None. I love food:-) I'm surprised I haven't gained more than a pound!

Gender: 75% chance were having a girl:-) We should know for sure August 10th!

What I miss: Cesar salad dressing from a restaurant. They all seem to have raw eggs!

What I am looking forward to: Taking mom to hear the heartbeat on Thursday!

Milestones: Baby doesn't look like it has any chromosomal abnormalities! That's a huge relief to know our baby is healthy:-)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Ultrasound Appointment

We went to Mission Hospital for the 1st trimester screening yesterday and everything went really well!!!! We got the Nuchal Translucency Screening done, and the baby shows just the right amount of fluid in the back of its neck. I still have to get the results of my bloodwork back, but the doctor was really happy with the results of the ultrasound, and told us we don't have anything to worry about when it comes to Down's Syndrome.

The best part about the appointment was getting to see our baby again! It has been a month since our last ultrasound, and the baby has changed soooo much! He or she has over doubled in size, and you can see the arms and legs bending at the elbows and knee, we were able to see feet, and definition in the face- It really was the most amazing experience. We got to hear the heartbeat for the first time as well... 140 BPM! Our baby has a strong heartbeat!

We know that it is early, but the doctor was able to get a view of the babies butt and legs, and she told us that we have about a 75% chance of having a girl! How cool is that:-) We really would be happy with a boy or a girl, it is just fun to know. We're definitely not going to start buying girl stuff just yet, because with our luck we would find out in August when we have our next ultrasound that we are having a boy instead. Who knows, maybe the boy parts were just hidden. Either way, were just happiest that our baby is growing like it should, and looks healthy!

Here are some ultrasound pics we wanted to share:

This picture shows a profile of the head, and the babies back:

This picture shows the babies face from front on. Looks a little like an alien to me! Cute little alien baby:-)

This one turned out the best!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Crystal's Visit

Crystal Smith came to CA to visit last weekend! It was sooo great to see her. This time she brought her friend Karen that I have heard about for years now, and it was really great to finally get to meet her as well! We went to dinner on Saturday, and her mom had a BBQ on Sunday so we were able to see each other a few times at least... Her visits are always to short. The next time she will be in So Cal will be Christmas, so hopefully the little peanut will make its arrival while she is here!!

We miss you here Crystal! Move home dang it!!! hehe.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Week 13

This is the last week of the First Trimester, which means that almost all of the baby's organ systems are fully formed, and the baby now needs to continue to grow and mature! This week the baby is developing reflexes, and he or she begins to make sucking movements, as well as moving their fingers and toes. Apparently if I prod at my abdomen the baby will squirm in response- weird!
This week Jason and I go in to get the 1st Trimester Screening done. This is a screening test to rule out Downs Syndrome, and a few other genetic conditions. Were not a high risk couple because were young, healthy and have no history of Downs in our family, but our OB feels (as do we) that its good to be prepared in the event that there is a problem. We are just really excited to see our baby on the ultrasound again! The 1st Trimester Screening consists of bloodwork and an advanced ultrasound that they have to do at Mission Hospital. They call this ultrasound the Nuchal Translucency Screening, and the technician measures the space in the tissue in the baby's neck. Babies with abnormalities tend to have more fluid build up in this space, which the technician is able to see. Like I said, were just excited to be able to see our baby again! Hopefully we will get another picture that we can post for everyone to see.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Cutest onesie!

I have to get this!!! So adorable!!

Week 12

Today is the first day of week 12. He or she is the size of a lime, a little over 1.5 inches in length and 1/4 an ounce. The baby's bones are hardening, and he or she is kicking and stretching, as well as hiccupping! That seems like a lot of movement for someone so small!
As for me, I'm exhausted! It seems like I am even more tired now for some reason. I slept or laid on the couch for most of the weekend, but I guess thats what my body needed. I have been fighting some allergies or a cold, and being pregnant has made the symptoms 50x worse. I heard that would happen, but never really expected it I guess! I still can't complain though. I'm still not feeling queasy!

One fun thing that Jason and I did do this weekend was go to my cousin Gran'ts novel release party. How cool is that! My cousin is an author:-) Check out his book!


Friday, June 5, 2009

Green Day Concert

Happy Friday All!

Earlier this week I got a phone call from KROQ. I thought it was going to be a survey or opinion call, so I was a little rude, but then I found out I won tickets to see Green Day! As you may know, Green Day is one of my favorite bands, so I was surprised by my reaction to the news that the concert was on Thursday night in Hollywood. I thought, "Ooh... Thursday night in Hollywood. I don't know if that works so well for me, I have to get up pretty early for work. Maybe I can trade for something on a Friday or Saturday." I knew I was going to go (it is a free concert, in a small venue, with one of my favorite bands), but I was still shocked that THAT thought was the first thing to pop in my mind.

When I mentioned the news to Lindsey, the first thing we discussed was the effect it would have on the baby. I read that concerts are not good for the baby because his/her ears are still developing and could be damaged. That may or may not be true, but Lindsey and I discussed how she would've been miserable driving up to Hollywood on a weekday, have to get up for work the next day, on top of the fact that the pregnancy has already left her so fatigued - we decided it wasn't a good idea for her to go.

I invited Yaron (Victoria's boyfriend) and he offered to drive. If you've ever been in the state of California during rush hour you know how bad things can get (if you haven't, imagine normal rush hour traffic and multiply it by 10). So, the drive to the concert was the worst part of the night. We had some confusion between eating at Pink Taco or Pink's Hot Dog Stand (there's a joke in there somewhere). Problem is, we were near Pink's Hot Dog in West Hollywood, went through Beverly Hills to Pink Taco to realize it wasn't the place we wanted, went back through Beverly Hills and ended up where we had started - all during rush hour (got it?). Long story short, I left work at 3:30 PM and we didn't get to the venue until 7:45 PM.

The venue was an interesting set-up. In an attempt to stop ticket scalping, it didn't send out tickets, so everything was Will Call. On top of that, there were a ton of people on the guest list, so Yaron and I waited in a line that was two blocks long. We didn't get into the venue until 9:30 PM, just enough time to grab a drink and have the band take the stage. Luckily there was this big guy pushing his way through the crowd - we just followed him to the front.

The show was amazing! Definitely one of the best I've been to. The first set was all from their new album "21st Century Breakdown." The next set was an eclectic mix of their extensive catalog. Billie Joe pulled a kid (~10 years old) on stage to do a head-first stage-dive, he pulled people from the crowd to sing their songs. The best was that the band played 5-10 requests from the audience. I'd never seen that happen before, where the lead singer just took requests (they even played cover songs of: Iron Man, Stand By Me, and You Make Me Wanna Shout).

We also ran into a few celebrities: Breckin Meyer couldn't get a ticket into the show; Drew Barrymore fell all over Yaron; and Bob Saget creepily watched the show behind us like a giant-6'4"-Big Bird.

I didn't get to bed until 4 AM this morning.

P.S. Here's how I knew I had a bad week: When I danced my butt off at a punk rock concert and didn't get to bed until 4 AM, only to have to wake up for work at 5:30 AM, and when my alarm clock went off I thought: "I've woke up feeling worse earlier this week - this ain't bad."

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Today was a good day!

Today was a really good day! We got the results of some bloodwork back, and our baby doesn't have Cystic Fibrosis, and everything else they tested in the bloodwork is looking great! Then to make the day even better, when we got home from work we realized that our neighbor is moving!!!!! This is the neighbor with the devil pitbull that tried to attack Kona and I while we were out walking a few months back. It will be so nice to be able to walk by there and not have Kona freak out! Yay!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Parents Visit

Jason's parents came to visit us last weekend, and we had a great time! It was way to short, but great none the less. It was dad's birthday on Friday so we went to dinner with some of their closest friends as well as Aunt Jan, Jade and Janae, and as luck would have it Jason's brother Greg was in town, so we were able to spend time with him as well! We also went to an Angels game, and were able to do some baby shopping with mom, which was so much fun since we hardly ever get to do stuff like that with them because they live so far away. Unfortunately the weather wasn't that great, but we still had a great time!

Week 11

The baby starts week 11 today, and ends being an embryo and begins life as a fetus:-) Now he or she is the size of a kumquat! I know, strange reference, but i thought it was better than prune, which another website compared it to! The baby is about 1 1/4 inch long, its bones and cartilage are starting to form, its arm joints are now working, nails are starting to form and he or she is able to swallow. Its crazy how much the little one has grown over the past few weeks!