Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Jason and I thought we would take Drake to go visit grandma and grandpa in Hawaii for the last week of my maternity leave. Man it turned into an eventful trip! We got out there on Friday, and the next morning we had to evacuate early in the morning because of a tsunami that was supposed to hit Hawaii. We didn't have any diapers, so we had to rush over to Safeway and stand in a 50 person long line to buy them. Then, we sat up on top of a hill for about 6 hours, waiting to see if anything would happen. Nothing did. Frustrated and tired we headed back to the house and passed out.

The next morning we were out running errands and got a phone call that Jason's grandfather had been in a tragic accident. Jason's parents then flew up to Washington state to go see him, and unfortunately grandpa passed away the next day. That left us in Hawaii, needing to fly to Washington for the funeral. Because we were on vacation, we only had warm weather clothes, so we had to go buy a bunch of stuff for a funeral and cold weather. We then flew up to Washingtion, lugging all our scuba gear, warm weather clothes, tons of baby stuff etc. Not fun!!! All the family flew in for the funeral, so Drake got to meet a bunch of family for the first time. The funeral was on Saturday, and it was really sad for the family to have to say goodbye to grandpa. He will truly be missed! We flew home on Sunday, and I started work on Monday. Because of all this, I have been sooooooo exhausted the past two days!!!! Ugh!!!

So, next time you have a bad vacation, just think that it can't be worse than the one we had!!!

While in Hawaii, we didn't get into our bathing suits even once, but we did take a couple of cute pictures of Drake in his swim trunks. Enjoy!

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