Monday, March 22, 2010

1st parenting battle won!... for now at least....

Drake's personality has really started to come out lately. It has been so much fun seeing him transform from this little tiny newborn, to this active, alert, happy and funny 3 month old! Along with all these great personality traits he has also shown that he is a stubborn little guy! (who could he have gotten that from?!?! hehe.)

While Drake is at childcare during the week he is fed a bottle, since I obviously can't nurse on demand. By the end of last week Drake started pitching a fit any time I tried to nurse him, because it doesn't come out as fast as the bottle. Ugh! He got angry and would arch his back, cry and pull off every time I tried to feed him on Friday. By Saturday I was worried that he was going to self wean himself way to early (and I am already having trouble keeping up with his milk requirements while pumping.) So, I called Susan, my trusty lactation consultant friend. She told me that Drake is a smart baby for knowing the difference, and she told me that from now on I am not allowed to give him a bottle myself, and if anyone else gives him a bottle, I am not allowed to be in the room, or anywhere in the house where he can hear me! I was also instructed, to Jason's delight, to walk around my house topless all day Saturday holding and nursing Drake as much as possible. To my surprise it worked! Drake is back to nursing like a champ:-) Thanks Susan! 1st parenting battle won! whohoo! Now to break the swaddle habit, and get Drake to fall asleep on his own without being rocked into a deep sleep. Baby steps!

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