Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Week 27

Jason and I had a great trip up to the Monterrey area this weekend! We left at the crack of dawn Saturday morning and drove up to San Luis Obispo, where we got to meet up with my friend Erin who I haven't seen in so long! It was great being able to catch up with her. After that, we took Pacific Coast Highway up the coast. Jason and I had never done that drive before, and it was really beautiful! So much different from the coast in Orange County. We stayed in Pacific Grove, a little community right next to Monterrey and Carmel by the Sea. That night we bummed around Monterrey, and relaxed by the beach. On Sunday we went to Whitney and Jeff's wedding in Carmel Valley. It was in the 60's near the beach, and when we drove 15 miles inland it was about 90! I couldn't believe 15 miles or so made such a huge temperature difference. Whitney looked beautiful, and the wedding was very pretty! It was over early, and then had to make the 5.5 hr drive home. Needless to say we have been pretty tired, but it was worth it!


On another note, this is week 27! I'm still feeling great, but the heat can really get to me now! Baby boy seems like he is starting to run out of room to make huge kicks, and now seems to be pushing body parts out as hard as he can. Must be trying to strengthen those muscles! It is the weirdest thing to feel a foot or elbow move across my tummy!

About baby this week:

Baby boy is now about 2 pounds, about the weight of a head of cauliflower, and about 14.5 inches long! He's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, possibly opening and closing his eyes, and even able to suck his fingers! More brain tissue is developing, and his brain is very active now. While his lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if he were to be born now.

Weekly belly pics:

Thursday, September 24, 2009

This Weekend

This is going to be a really fun weekend! A lot of driving, but fun! We are driving up to Carmel early Saturday morning, for Whitney and Jeff's wedding on Sunday. We're going to take the scenic route up the coast, and stop in San Luis Obispo for breakfast with Erin and Greg, who we definitely don't get to see enough! We miss you guys! Then depending on how early we get to Carmel, I might take Jason to the Monterrey Bay Aquarium, or just go walk around the different art galleries in Carmel- Then, the wedding is at 1pm on Sunday. Whitney is going to be such a beautiful bride! The only cruddy part is that we have to make the 6-7 hour drive back home on Sunday night after the wedding- Oh well, gotta do what you gotta do:-)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Week 26... 98 days and counting!

We past the 100 day countdown mark! Yay!! 98 days and counting till our little boy's due date!! I can't believe it's only about 3 months till we're going to get to see and hold our little one!

I'm 26 weeks pregnant today, and feeling more and more pregnant every day! Things are getting harder to do, and rolling over in bed has never been such a chore- To think that I still have 3 months to go, getting bigger and bigger every day! I can't complain though, I still feel good, baby boy kicks and rolls around all the time, and overall I'm loving being pregnant!! I'll post a picture tomorrow:-)

About our little man this week:
Our baby is about 1 2/3 lbs this week, and 14 inches long, about the length of an english hothouse cucumber! Getting heavier and heavier every day now it seems! His ears are getting more and more sensitive, and he is starting to be able to hear normal conversations outside the womb! He may even start to open his eyes this week

How far along: 26 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: + 11 lbs

Maternity clothes: Everything

Stretch marks: None yet, yay!

Sleep: Good as long as I don't have to roll over!

Best moment this week: Hearing baby boy's heartbeat on the home doppler for the first time!

Movement: All the time- He is definitely a little kicker! Especially at around 10 pm.

Food cravings: Orange juice, thats about it.

Food aversions: Nothing really... I have noticed that I haven't been eating much veggies. They don't make me want to yak though.

Gender: little boy!

Labor Signs: Some braxton hicks contractions I think, but not for about a week now.

Belly Button in or out: innie, but turning into a flattie! hehe.

What I miss: being able to hold kona on my belly on the couch

What I am looking forward to: Nothing really right now... Ya, sad.

Milestones: Passing the 100 day countdown marker! yay!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Week 25

Only a couple days left till I have less than 100 days to go! Wow!

About baby this week:
Little boy is about 1.5 lbs, about the weight of a rutabaga, and about 13.5 inches long this week! I don't see how something 13.5 inches long fits into my tummy right now- He must be all curled up. He's starting to put on fat now, and is growing hair oh his head:-)

About me this week:
The books and websites say that my uterus is now the size of a soccer ball- it sure feels like it! It is definitely getting a little harder to move around, and I find myself getting tired easily, and moving slower than normal. That is all to be expected though! I also think that I have been having some Braxton Hicks contractions, or something like that... I've been getting some painful cramping in my abdomen on occasion over the past week or so, so I'm going to call my doctor today to talk to her about it. From what I have heard Braxton Hicks contractions usually don't hurt, but I don't know what else it could be- weird. I have my monthly OB visit on Thursday, so that is good!

I've been really bad about not posting the weekly belly pictures, but I will post one tomorrow!

Biggest Boston Terrier

Jason and Kona went to the 4th annual Boston Tea Party on Saturday, a benefit in Huntington Beach hosted by a local rescue society called Boston Buddies. From what I heard, there were hundreds of Boston Terriers and their owners there! There was a contest for biggest Boston, and Kona won! I couldn't believe out of the hundreds of Boston Terriers there, our's was the biggest. Kona is really muscular, so there were some that were heavier than him, but it was because they were fat, not tall like him. I always knew he was a big guy, but not that big! He won a fun goodie bag stuffed with all sorts of bones, chew toys and squeaky toys! Kona has been in doggie heaven ever since:-)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hospital Tour

I haven't been keeping up with the blog as much as I'd like lately... The past 2 weeks have been so busy!

Last Thursday Jason and I went to a maternity open house at Mission Hospital. It was a lot of fun! During the open house we got a tour of the new maternity ward, which was nice to do. The new labor and delivery, as well as recovery rooms are really nice! They even have mood lighting on the ceiling, and pergo wood floors. Weird! One of the great things about mission hospital is that Children's Hospital of Orange County (CHOC) is one floor above maternity, so if anything were to go wrong, we have immediate access to one of the best children's hospitals.

We feel a lot more comfortable now knowing what to expect when the big day comes!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Ultrasound Pictures

So I am really lagging, but here are the ultrasound pictures from last Tuesday's doctors appointment:-)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

24 Weeks Pregnant!

This week I am 24 weeks pregnant! I was reading an interesting article last weekend about how if your baby is born between weeks 23 and 24, it has about a 10-40% chance of survival, but every day the baby continues growing in the womb it increases its survival rate by 3% till you hit week 26! That just seems crazy to me! It goes to show how much the baby is growing every day! Once you hit the 26 week mark, the article said that your baby has about an 80-90% chance of survival. Wow! That just seems so early to have such a high survivability rate. What I do know is that as much as I want to meet my little man, I want him to keep cookin for another 16 weeks or so!!!

About baby this week:

Baby boy is about the length of an ear of corn, almost a foot long! Because he is growing getting plumper, he no longer has room to do cartwheels and doing somersaults in my tummy. Most of the baby's features look the same as they will at birth, his eyelashes are well developed and hair will continue to grow on his head:-) He is practicing breathing up to a liter of amniotic fluid a day, and is covered in vernix, a waxy substance that protects the delicate skin. Lastly, His lungs are developing branches of the respiratory tree as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help his air sacs inflate once he hits the outside world. Wow!

About me this week:
Still getting bigger every day! I'm starting to notice patterns of wakefullness and sleep with the baby. The most pronounced times where he is really active is late morning around 11, and about 10 pm. At around those times he seems to just go crazy! Rolling, kicking, jabbing and stretching those little arms and legs:-) I'm still feeling good, but was extra tired over this long weekend. I was sleeping about 10-12 hours each night, and still so tired during the day! That's to be expected though I guess!

How far along: 24 weeks! 16 to go!

Total weight gain/loss: + about 10 lbs

Maternity clothes: Yup, everything

Stretch marks: None yet, and crossing my fingers I don't get any!

Sleep: Good when I can get it. I'm used to getting up 3+ times a night now to go pee, so i'm able to fall asleep quickly after now!

Best moment this week: Seeing my baby on the ultrasound... I still need to post the pictures!

Movement: All the time

Food cravings: Nothing really

Food aversions: Nope

Gender: handsome boy!

Belly Button in or out: innie, but flattening out

What I miss: Not having to watch what I eat in fear of getting listeriosis

What I am looking forward to: The angel game tonight with Jason, Mallori and Sean!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ultrasound Results!

We had our follow up ultrasound on Tuesday to see if the cyst was gone, and thankfully our baby is now cyst free, and a healthy little boy!!!!!!!!! We couldn't be more excited! Just like the doctor said it would, it resolved itself on it's own. Everything else is looking great, and he is measuring 1 lb 2 ounces! Thats a gain of 6 ounces in 3 weeks- I don't know if that is a lot or not, but he is definitely growing!!

I will post the ultrasound pictures as soon as they are scanned.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Week 23

We are in week 23 as of yesterday! Baby is about 11 inches long, and weighs over a pound, about the weight of a large mango! The baby is picking up on outside noises, and from what I am reading the noises that he hears inside the womb like music and Kona barking probably won't bother him after he is born- that is good news!

As for me, I am still feeling good! I'm getting hot really easily, and notice that I have been keeping my house extra cool lately. Jason says he doesn't mind! I will also be sitting and see the little guy kicking through my shirt- That is so weird to see! I've been feeling the kicks for almost 2 months, but only been seeing it for 2 weeks or so. The kicks keep getting stronger, and now i'm feeling him roll and swish around even more than before. I love it! Jason's mom was in town visiting last weekend, and she was able to feel it, along with Aunt Jan and Janae- So fun!

We had so much fun while mom was out visiting! She flew into town on Thursday and stayed until Monday morning. On Saturday Jason's great Aunt Rose had her 90th birthday celebration/Samano Family Reunion, and close to 200 of his Samano relatives showed up! I really love Jason's family, and it was so great to see everyone, and meet even more people that I had not met before. It's to bad we don't get to see you guys more often!!! Diana's visits are always to short, but her and Jason's dad are going to be coming out right after the baby is born to help out, so that will be nice! Who knows, we might even get to spend Christmas or New Years with them depending on when our little guy is born:-) I will post some pictures from the weekend festivities when I have a chance.