Monday, July 27, 2009

Week 18

Its Monday again, so time for the weekly update! We're 18 weeks today! The baby is the size of a sweet potato, about 5.5 inches long and almost 7 ounces! wow! The baby is passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing, and I believe it, because the little kicks I have been feeling have been getting stronger and stronger! His or her ears are now in their final position now too! As for me, I'm feeling great! I love feeling the baby kick.... It's great to have that reassurance that the baby is ok!
How far along: 18 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +2 lbs... Yes I am eating. A ton actually.
Maternity clothes: Basically everything, except a few things that were really big on me to begin with.
Stretch marks: Still none... Come on good genes and palmers lotion, do the trick!!
Sleep: Good! Still getting used to sleeping on my left side though. Jason was nice enough to switch sides of the bed and that made a world of difference!! Thanks sweetie!!!
Best moment this week: Feeling peanut kick for the first time last Tuesday! Best feeling in the world.
Movement: Every day! Little one is kicking me right now:-)
Food cravings: chocolate and cupcakes
Food aversions: none
Gender: Thinking pink... Don't know yet for sure.
Labor Signs: Please not anytime soon-
Belly Button in or out: Innie
What I miss: Being able to go in the ocean with Jason. I'm to afraid to go in past my thighs because I don't want to get knocked over accidentally and hurt the baby.
What I am looking forward to: Getting the nursery furniture delivered! Probably not this week, but one can hope!

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