Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Kick Kick Kick!

I felt my baby kick for the first time yesterday!!!!!!! Around lunchtime I was sitting at my desk at work and all of a sudden I felt a little jab on the left side of my lower abdomen. It kinda startled me and I thought "did I just feel what I think I just felt?!?!" then a minute later I felt another little jab to my right side! So many people describe it as a "fluttering" sensation, but for me it was like someone was tapping on the inside of my abdomen.... More like popcorn popping as someone else described:-)

Then, later last night I was watching TV with Jason and he or she started tapping at the front side of my abdomen! I love it!!!!! Its the most amazing feeling ever:-) I hope you kick me some more today peanut!

1 comment:

  1. Wow that's amazing!!!!! What a miracle!!! I can't wait to find out what you guys are having!!!!!
