Monday, July 6, 2009

15 weeks

I hope everyone had a good 4th of July weekend! Ours was eventful to say the least. I have never really gotten cluster headaches before, and they hit with a vengance this weekend. Man that was horrible! Jason and I had a great time in Newport though! Thankfully I was feeling great while we were there. Jason was able to get a massage, and I relaxed by the pool most of the day. It was really great to be able to get away for the night, and have Vikki and Addison and Yaron watch Kona for us! Thanks guys!!!

Whats going on with baby this week:

Our little peanut is now the size of a navel orange! He or she is about 4 inches long, and weighs 2.5 oz. All of the baby's joints are now able to move, and he or she is apparently kicking an squirming up a storm, even though I can't feel it yet:-) A couple of cool things are happening this week: Althoughthe baby's eyelids are still fused shut, he or she can sense light. If yI were to shine a flashlight at my tummy, the baby would likely move away from the beam. Also, baby is starting to form taste buds!

As for me, I started packing up most of my pre-pregnancy clothes this weekend. I only fit into one pair of jeans now, and about half my shirts. Thankfully Vikki is letting me borrow so much stuff! It has really come in handy so far! Jason and I went maternity clothes shopping this weekend and it was sooo frustrating. NO maternity jeans fit me! Its not that my belly is still to small, its that I'm thin to begin with. The smallest sizes were still tents on me in the butt and legs. Not only were the smallest sizes HUGE on me, but everything was sooo incredibly expensive! I refuse to pay $75 minimum on a pair of jeans that I don't even like. Most of the jeans were $150 to $200! Heck no. I don't even spend that much $$ on clothes that aren't maternity, and i'm sure not going to spend that kind of $$ on clothes i'm only going to wear for another 6 months! Ugh. So, at the end of the day I went to a new Target that has a better selection than most of the Targets near me, and thankfully found a few things, but still no jeans! I have a feeling I am going to have to get some non-maternity, super super low rise jeans that will fit under my belly instead.

I will have to post a belly picture tomorrow. I was going to take one last night but unfortunately my neighbor and her bischon had a run in with a mean 85 lb german shepard, and we were at the emergency vet with her until late last night. Thankfully I think the pup is going to be ok!

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