Thursday, July 30, 2009

Baby kicked Jason!

Jason felt the baby kick for the first time last night! We were getting ready for bed and the baby was kicking up a storm, so he came over and put his hand on my belly and sure enough, he or she kicked daddy! Yay!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A day late again, but here is the weekly belly shot:-)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Week 18

Its Monday again, so time for the weekly update! We're 18 weeks today! The baby is the size of a sweet potato, about 5.5 inches long and almost 7 ounces! wow! The baby is passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing, and I believe it, because the little kicks I have been feeling have been getting stronger and stronger! His or her ears are now in their final position now too! As for me, I'm feeling great! I love feeling the baby kick.... It's great to have that reassurance that the baby is ok!
How far along: 18 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +2 lbs... Yes I am eating. A ton actually.
Maternity clothes: Basically everything, except a few things that were really big on me to begin with.
Stretch marks: Still none... Come on good genes and palmers lotion, do the trick!!
Sleep: Good! Still getting used to sleeping on my left side though. Jason was nice enough to switch sides of the bed and that made a world of difference!! Thanks sweetie!!!
Best moment this week: Feeling peanut kick for the first time last Tuesday! Best feeling in the world.
Movement: Every day! Little one is kicking me right now:-)
Food cravings: chocolate and cupcakes
Food aversions: none
Gender: Thinking pink... Don't know yet for sure.
Labor Signs: Please not anytime soon-
Belly Button in or out: Innie
What I miss: Being able to go in the ocean with Jason. I'm to afraid to go in past my thighs because I don't want to get knocked over accidentally and hurt the baby.
What I am looking forward to: Getting the nursery furniture delivered! Probably not this week, but one can hope!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Best Beach-day in California

Yesterday was easily the best beach-day in California I've ever had: I got new fins, the waves were huge, and the water was actually warm!

Friday, July 24, 2009

I ordered the rest of the nursery furniture!!! I was going to hold off for a little bit, but it was on sale through the 25th, and if you know me, you know I like getting things on sale! We got a 4 drawer chest, a 2 drawer changer, the crib conversion rails and cool toybox. Its not the exact same style as the crib, but I think the color will be close enough- I hate how all the good stuff is online only! It would be so nice to be able to see all these things in person before you buy them!!

We also picked out the carseat and stroller we want. We have been looking for a while, and decided on the Graco Snugride 32 carseat and Graco infant seat stroller base, and the Peg Perego Pliko P3 stroller... Unfortunately the carseat we want won't latch into the Peg Perego stroller, but the infant seat stroller bases that they make now are so cool and lightweight, so we are getting both.

For anyone out there who will be buying a carseat in the future, I recently found out that Babies R Us will let you bring them out to your car to see how they fit in person. That is so much nicer than having to guess if something is going to fit, and possibly having to return it!! If only they carried more models in store...

Here is the ultrasound pic from yesterday:-) Its a pretty odd angle and not very clear I'll admit. Its looking down on the babys head, face and arms. The head is in the upper left corner, and the arms and hands are the strait lines leading away from the face. Jason said that the bones in the arms look like Wolverine claws! We will get some really clear pictures August 10th!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

And the gender is...............We still don't know!

We had our 4 month appointment this morning and I was able to convince the OB to take a look to see if we have a little boy or little girl... As luck would have it the baby was sitting indian style and wouldn't show us anything!! Of course our little goober had to be modest. Hopefully thats a good sign hehe!

So, unfortunately I don't have any good news today in that regard, but other than that the heartbeat is looking great, and everything else is progressing wonderfully!!! We have a healthy active baby which is always good news!

I will post the ultrasound picture later...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Kick Kick Kick!

I felt my baby kick for the first time yesterday!!!!!!! Around lunchtime I was sitting at my desk at work and all of a sudden I felt a little jab on the left side of my lower abdomen. It kinda startled me and I thought "did I just feel what I think I just felt?!?!" then a minute later I felt another little jab to my right side! So many people describe it as a "fluttering" sensation, but for me it was like someone was tapping on the inside of my abdomen.... More like popcorn popping as someone else described:-)

Then, later last night I was watching TV with Jason and he or she started tapping at the front side of my abdomen! I love it!!!!! Its the most amazing feeling ever:-) I hope you kick me some more today peanut!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Week 17 picture

ya ya... I know I look like a mess- but this was the only chance I had to take a picture so oh well!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Week 17

About Baby this week:
The baby is now the size of your outstretched hand! 5 inches head to bottom, and 5 ounces, and according to, it is the size of a turnip. He or she is starting to put on fat this week, and is developing sweat glands.

About mommy this week:
I am almost completely out of my pre-maternity clothes by now. I put a shirt on this morning and I couldn't get it to cover my belly... weird! Thankfully I got a bunch of those vacuum seal bags from Costco, so I have been putting all of my non-fitting clothes into them.

This week we have another OB appointment! Even though we don't have the big ultrasound appointment until August 10th, I think my OB is going to do an ultrasound this week as usual so I am going to ask if she can see anything... I'm so impatient!! :-) I want to know so I can start to decorate and register for non-gender neutral stuff! I love all the greens and yellows, but there are definitely some things that are much cuter in pink or blue:-)

I don't have the weekly belly shot to post today, but I'll post it tomorrow...

How far along: 17 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: don't really know.... will find out on Thursday. Probably a few lbs.
Maternity clothes: Almost all!
Stretch marks: None thankfully yet!
Sleep: OK... It's been hot lately, so that hasn't been fun.
Best moment this week: Getting our beautiful crib!
Movement: None yet - start kicking baby!
Food cravings: Skittles and roast chicken breast sandwiches from Subway
Food aversions: Nothing really. Certain smells make me gag though - I was giving Kona a hug and he burped into my face and unfortunately my mouth was open.... I was about to yak for a few mins... Jason thought it was pretty funny!!
Gender: Maybe we will know this week?!?
Labor Signs: Better not start having any yet!
Belly Button in or out: Innie
What I miss: An ice cold beer....yummy!!
What I am looking forward to: OB appointment on Thursday!


We got the crib this weekend!! Yay! Yaron was nice enough to go with my dad to JC Penny's to pick it up with his truck, since it was to big to fit in either my camry or my dad's durango! I guess I didn't realize just how wide it was- We got all of the carpets cleaned on saturday which was quite an ordeal, and Jason put the crib together on Sunday!! Its sooooo pretty!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Crazy Kona

Kona has bee acting really silly lately and has been hiding under the curtain by the sliding glass door in the evenings... I don't know if he is hot, or just likes it there! As Addison would say "Kona's crazy!!!"

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Lindsey says: Where do you get these weird names from? You know, our kid isn't going to grow up to be a superhero.

Jason asks: How do you know?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Week 16

Happy Monday! Hope you all had a good weekend. Jason and I went to go see Christopher Titus at the improv- He was awesome! That was the 2nd time we have seen him, and he has been great both times. I highly recommend going to his show if he is ever in your area. Also, we picked out the nursery furniture that we are going to get!!! I'm so excited! I can't really say if Jason shares in my excitement, he didn't really care what we got as long as it meets all the federal and JPMA safety standards haha.

Here is a pic from the JC Penny catalog:-)

We also decided that we are probably going to turn the 2nd bedroom into the nursery rather than the loft. After much discussion, and measuring of furniture, etc, we just don't see how the home gym is going to fit properly into the 2nd bedroom, and still leave room for the computer, a tv, etc. So, even though the loft is about 1/2 the size of the 2nd bedroom, the loft is going to stay the office/ gym / everything else room, and the 2nd bedroom is going to be the nursery. The 2nd bedroom will be MUCH better for the baby, the only problem is that it is downstairs, while our bedroom is upstairs. This has been the main reason why we had been against using the 2nd bedroom as a nursery, but in the end it will work out much better, and the baby won't have to go up and down stairs to get to all its stuff in its room. We live in a extremely safe neighborhood, but we are still paranoid, so now the goal is to make sure the house is secure to a point where we feel comfortable having the baby downstairs. We may need your advice uncle Dan!

Whats going on with baby this week:

Baby Nations is starting a growth spurt this week, and is now the size of an avacado:-) This week he or she is 4.5 inches long from the top of the head to rump (they don't count the length of the legs at this point) and weighs 3.5 oz. It's legs are much more developed, and it's ears and eyes are almost to their final position on the head. His or her heart is now pumping 25 quarts of blood a day! That seems like so much for such a little baby! The coolest thing I thought this week though is that tiny bones are forming in their ears, and the baby is starting to recognize my voice:-)

Whats going on with momma this week:
I've been having a lot of trouble sleeping lately! I just can't seem to get comfortable. Even though my doc said that its ok to sleep however its comfortable until im in my 7th month, i'm trying to get used to sleeping on my left side. Normally I sleep on my right side, but for some reason I keep ending up on my back- ugh. I've never been a back sleeper! Other than that I'm still getting the bad headaches, but feeling good other than that!

Weekly belly pic:

Friday, July 10, 2009

Now that my pants are definitely not fitting, i'm getting really anxious to feel the baby move! Every time I get a feeling in my stomach I wonder if it's the baby. I know that since i'm a first time mom the first movements could still be weeks away, but I'm hopefull none the less! I know many mommies out there are probably saying "just wait till you can't breathe or sleep because of all the jabs and kicks in the 3rd trimester!" I don't care though, I want to feel my baby, not just see the movement on the ultrasound screen:-) Come on baby, start kicking me!! We love you!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Here is the week 15 belly pic!

How far along: 15 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: + about 1-2 lbs
Maternity clothes: 50/50. A lot of my pre-maternity shirts still fit, but only 1 pair of jeans does.
Stretch marks: nope:-)
Sleep: Sleeping good this week! Yay!!
Best moment this week: Getting away for the night with Jason
Movement: Still none... Can't wait!
Food cravings: Blueberry bagels with cream cheese
Food aversions: None this week
What I miss: Being able to go in the jacuzzi. It sounded so good the other day!
What I am looking forward to: The weekend. Oh ya, its only Tuesday:-/

Monday, July 6, 2009

15 weeks

I hope everyone had a good 4th of July weekend! Ours was eventful to say the least. I have never really gotten cluster headaches before, and they hit with a vengance this weekend. Man that was horrible! Jason and I had a great time in Newport though! Thankfully I was feeling great while we were there. Jason was able to get a massage, and I relaxed by the pool most of the day. It was really great to be able to get away for the night, and have Vikki and Addison and Yaron watch Kona for us! Thanks guys!!!

Whats going on with baby this week:

Our little peanut is now the size of a navel orange! He or she is about 4 inches long, and weighs 2.5 oz. All of the baby's joints are now able to move, and he or she is apparently kicking an squirming up a storm, even though I can't feel it yet:-) A couple of cool things are happening this week: Althoughthe baby's eyelids are still fused shut, he or she can sense light. If yI were to shine a flashlight at my tummy, the baby would likely move away from the beam. Also, baby is starting to form taste buds!

As for me, I started packing up most of my pre-pregnancy clothes this weekend. I only fit into one pair of jeans now, and about half my shirts. Thankfully Vikki is letting me borrow so much stuff! It has really come in handy so far! Jason and I went maternity clothes shopping this weekend and it was sooo frustrating. NO maternity jeans fit me! Its not that my belly is still to small, its that I'm thin to begin with. The smallest sizes were still tents on me in the butt and legs. Not only were the smallest sizes HUGE on me, but everything was sooo incredibly expensive! I refuse to pay $75 minimum on a pair of jeans that I don't even like. Most of the jeans were $150 to $200! Heck no. I don't even spend that much $$ on clothes that aren't maternity, and i'm sure not going to spend that kind of $$ on clothes i'm only going to wear for another 6 months! Ugh. So, at the end of the day I went to a new Target that has a better selection than most of the Targets near me, and thankfully found a few things, but still no jeans! I have a feeling I am going to have to get some non-maternity, super super low rise jeans that will fit under my belly instead.

I will have to post a belly picture tomorrow. I was going to take one last night but unfortunately my neighbor and her bischon had a run in with a mean 85 lb german shepard, and we were at the emergency vet with her until late last night. Thankfully I think the pup is going to be ok!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

4th of July is right around the corner! I hope everyone has some fun plans!! Jason has tomorrow and Friday off, and I get off early tomrrow and have Friday off. Whohoo!! We are planning on going to Newport Beach on Friday night and staying at a hotel just to get away. We have never stayed at a local hotel, but we are really excited! When you are at home there is always something you have to do, so it will be nice to be able to relax, go to the spa, lay by the pool, and do whatever we feel like doing! Were coming home on the 4th and going to watch fireworks from our balcony. We have a great view of a local fireworks display, so it should be fun!

As you all know our baby is due around Christmas. Most kids hate this, because stupid people always combine birthday and Christmas presents, so the kid gets less. I know Jason and I won't do this, and will always celebrate his or her bday separate, but some people are bound to make this mistake. This seems to be a huge negative in having a Christmas baby, but some people on a blog for December due dates had all these positive things to say about having a baby in December!

  • You have your own personal heater to keep you warm in the cold months leading up to your delivery.
  • You get to use all those soft cozy warm outfits and blankets for your newborn:-)
  • You can eat as much as you want at Thanksgiving and not feel guilty.
  • You won't be 8 months pregnant sweating your ass off in the August heat.
  • You get to bundle up in warm sweaters and pants when your 8 months pregnant, instead of tank tops and shorts that make you look like a cow.
  • Since you will only be about 5-6 months pregnant, and can still look cute in a bathing suit this summer!
  • You get an extra special Christmas present!
  • Potential maternity leave during the holidays.
  • You can use 2008 vacation time, then 2009 vacation time for a longer maternity leave!
  • You have a whole 6 months to get back into bikini shape!
  • 2008 tax deduction.
  • Nobody can expect anything out of you for the holidays.

And the list goes on!! Yay for December babies!!!