Friday, May 15, 2009

Just Starting Month 3

Thankfully this pregnancy has been easy so far! I have heard so many horror stories about terrible morning sickness, and thankfully I have only felt queasy 2-3 times, and never been close the throwing up! Other than being very tired, I've been doing really well! People have been saying that if the 1st trimester woes were to hit me, they probably would have hit me bad by now. If this is as bad as it gets for me, I really lucked out!!

We are so fortunate to have great friends and family! My sister Victoria has been especially helpful! Our niece Addison will be 2 next month, and Victoria has been collecting all of the clothes, toys and stuff that Addie has outgrown and let us use it! She even stopped by the other day and dropped off all her maternity clothes! That is going to save me so much money- I can't begin to thank her enough! Its so great to have a sister that is your same size and has the same taste in clothes who only lives 20 minutes away:-) So far we have a bassinette (Thanks mom!), a bunch of little girls clothes, a bumbo seat, 2 swings, a doppler, boppy pillow, and the list goes on and on... I think its so silly how some people refuse to use gently used items. Why go out and buy more things just to add to the landfill!! Thanks all you guys!!

Heres our first weekly update......

Our baby is the size of a raspberry!!

How far along: Just started week 9
Total weight gain/loss: +/- a pound or two
Maternity clothes: Not yet, but my pants are sure tight and my flat stomach is gone!
Stretch marks: Thankfully no. Nobody in my family gets them so I am crossing my fingers that good genes and lots of Palmers lotion do the trick!!
Sleep: Still great. Weird dreams though.
Best moment this week: Relaxing with the hubby
Movement: None yet, and none probably for a while
Food cravings: Chocolate milkshakes, anything with cheese
Food aversions: None. I love to eat.
Gender: don't know, but were definitely going to find out!
Belly Button in or out: In
What I miss: Coffee, lunch meat and Jack Daniels:-)
What I am looking forward to: Our first OB appointment next Thursday!!!
Weekly Wisdom: Sleep as much as you can and don't stress!
Milestones: Baby is now able to move its arms and legs:-)

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