Thursday, October 14, 2010

Quick Update

I know it has been quite sometime since we've posted something, so for the meantime I'll provide some quick info: Drake has 4 bottom teeth and almost 1 top tooth; he can say both "Mama" and "Dada;" he is pulling himself up on everything and can walk around as long as he has something to hold onto; he can shake his head (although, we don't know if he's saying 'no' or not); he is starting to understand the concept of no (we can tell him not to do something, and GENERALLY he'll listen). Hopefully the blog updates will be more frequent now that Lindsey is a Stay-at-home Mom.

We recently took Drake to a Pumpkin Patch near where we live. The OC Register was there taking pictures and he got one of Drake and I. Since it is the most recent picture, I figured I'd attach it to this post.

We love you all! Bye!