Tuesday, April 20, 2010

New Milestones!

Drake has had 2 new milestones in the past week! 1st, on Saturday he had solid foods for the first time. We gave him a little rice cereal, and he didn't seem to mind it! When he got that first spoonful he made the funniest face. It was like he was saying "What the heck is this?!?!" He got more all over his face and bib than he actually swallowed, but it was a start none the less! Here are a couple pictures...

Then, last night Drake rolled over for the first time!! That was a surprise! He had just taken a bath and he was playing naked on the floor on his tummy while I gave him a baby back rub, and he just decided to flip over:-) He looked pretty surprised right after he did that! So, we put him back on his tummy and he rolled over another 3 or 4 times! Our little boy is getting so big!

Monday, April 12, 2010

4 months old

Our Drakey turned 4 months old on Saturday! I can't believe how big he is getting! He is really starting to fill out. He is getting the super cute chunky rolls on his legs, and is starting to get some on his wrists as well:-) Each day he is getting stronger and stronger, and he can almost lift himself up on his hands while lying on his tummy. He is starting to not mind his tummy time as much as before- He used to SCREAM anytime we placed him on his tummy, and now he will try to scoot his legs forward, pushing his butt up in the air, but still isn't quite able to get up on his arms. I think within a week or so he will have that mastered! Jason put together Drake's jumper the other day, and Drake loves it. I thought he would still be to small (which he kinda is) but he doesn't care! We put a pillow under his feet since they don't touch the ground, and he starts jumping away!

Along with that, Drake has been sleeping in his crib unswaddled for almost a week now!! For the longest time we kept him swaddled while he slept since he would flail his arms and legs and wake himself up, but he seems to slowly be learning not to do that. I think it is so cute to see him all sprawled out in his crib when he sleeps. There is nothing more precious than an adorable sleeping baby:-)

Drake also had his first Easter last week. I posted a couple of pictures below:-)