Saturday, February 6, 2010


In the past two weeks Drake has really started to smile, coo, and giggle! I can be having such a rough day, and seeing that little smile just melts my heart:-) This was the first day that we were able to capture the smiles on camera!

Chiropractor Update

We took Drake to see Dr. Jen the chiropractor, and he seems to be doing much better now! Drake got his first adjustment, and seemed to like it. I know this will sound strange, but Dr. Jen is also a naturopath, and she did all these muscle tests on me while I was holding him to determine where our vitamin deficiencies are, and what foods I need to cut out of my diet in order to get Drake's tummy problems under control. It was really strange, but a lot of people seem to have great results with these tests. Also, while I was at the office she gave Drake some probiotic powder to help his intestines, and it immediately started to help!!! I also started some different supplements, and in the past 24 hours Drake has slept more than he ever has, and hasn't had ONE bad bout of gas since then!!! Now if I can only cut out everything that she says that I need to: Dairy, eggs, coffee, pears, corn, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, strawberries, and any berries with seeds on the outside. Wish me luck!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010


As many of you know, Drake is a gassy little guy, and tends to wake himself up in the middle of the night because of it. It is taking a serious toll on both Jason and I, and we are getting really run down. My friends Susan and Erin both recommended a pediatric chiropractor, who can do tests on me to see what Drake may have allergies to, and may be able to help with these problems!! It seems crazy to me that she can do tests on me to see what is wrong with Drake. Keep your fingers crossed that it helps, because we want Drake to feel better, and Jason and I SERIOUSLY need some more sleep!!!!!