Thursday, January 28, 2010

Drake Isaac Nations

Introducing Drake Isaac Nations!!

Drake Isaac Nations is here! 7 weeks ago that is...I am officially the worst blogger ever! I can't believe I went 7 weeks without posting. Well actually I can, because Drake has been taking up every waking minute of my life since he was born! He loves to be held, and hates it when I talk on the phone or put him down. We are working on that... Needless to say, I hardly have time to take a shower, no less blog, but it has been the best 7 weeks of my life! I promise to be better about blogging though:-)

To get you caught up, Drake was born at 4:49 pm on Thursday December 10th. He was a tiny guy at 5 lbs 3 ounces and 17.5 inches, but was perfectly healthy!!!! We were a little worried, since he was diagnosed with IUGR, but once he was born he started eating like a champ, and hasn't looked back since. Today he is 7 weeks old, and as of this past Tuesday he was 9 lbs and 21 inches!!!! I can't believe how fast my little man is growing! Every day he seems to be changing. In the past week alone I have seen his first real smiles and tears! I loved the smiles, and the tears made me soooo sad! I was looking at the premie outfit that he came home from the hospital in, and I can't believe he ever fit into it. He is growing out of all his newborn clothes already.

When Drake was about 2 weeks old Jason's parents came out to visit. Dad stayed for a week, and mom stayed for 3 weeks. Both of them were such a HUGE help!!! By the time that mom left, Drake was recognizing her voice and turning his head to her when she talked, and she was helping me with midnight feedings, and taking him in the morning so that I could get a few more hours of sleep. What a blessing it was to have them out here!!!! Thank you both so much!!! I don't go back to work until the 2nd week of March, so Jason and I decided to go visit them in Hawaii for the last week I am off. We are really excited for them to be able to see Drake again, since he is growing so fast!

One thing that we have been dealing with is a possible food intolerance, and acid reflux. For the past week I have cut out dairy, nuts, eggs, most wheat products, strawberries and all the usual gas causing foods. I don't really know if it has made a difference, so since it has been a week I added dairy back into my diet tonight. We will see in 6 hours or so if Drake pitches a fit! Keep your fingers crossed that all goes well, because dairy has been the hardest thing to cut out. I love cheese! I also just got him a prescription of acid reflux medicines. Hopefully it will help him:-/ Drake's cousin Redford had this, and my sister in law Catie said that medicine really helped him, so I am hopeful that it will help!

Anyways, that's a little of what has been going on with us lately. Sorry I have been so bad at keeping this blog up to date. I will try my best to keep up with it from now on!

Drake coming home from the hospital